Set of components for loading and rendering 3D Tiles in @react-three/fiber.
Google Photorealistic Tiles example
import { TilesRenderer } from '3d-tiles-renderer/r3f';
const TILESET_URL = /* your tile set url */;
const cameraPosition = [ x, y, z ]; // Set the camera position so the tiles are visible
export default function App() {
return (
<Canvas camera={ { position: cameraPosition } }>
<TilesRenderer url={ TILESET_URL } />
Basic set up for Google Photorealistic tiles, Globe controls, and an overlay for displaying data set attributions.
import { TilesRenderer, TilesPlugin, GlobeControls, TilesAttributionOverlay } from '3d-tiles-renderer/r3f';
import { DebugTilesPlugin, GoogleCloudAuthPlugin } from '3d-tiles-renderer';
export default function App() {
return (
<Canvas camera={ { position: [ 0, 0, 1e8 ] } }>
<TilesPlugin plugin={ DebugTilesPlugin } displayBoxBounds={ true } />
<TilesPlugin plugin={ GoogleCloudAuthPlugin } args={ { apiToken: /* your api token here */ } } />
<GlobeControls />
<TilesAttributionOverlay />
Simplified wrappers for using the TilesRenderer with Cesium Ion and Google Cloud for Photorealistic Tiles. Use the TilesAttributionOverlay
to display appropriate credits for the data sets.
import { TilesRenderer, TilesPlugin } from '3d-tiles-renderer/r3f';
import { CesiumIonAuthPlugin, GoogleCloudAuthPlugin } from '3d-tiles-renderer';
function GoogleTilesRenderer( { children, apiToken, } ) {
return (
<TilesRenderer { } key={ apiToken }>
<TilesPlugin plugin={ GoogleCloudAuthPlugin } args={ { apiToken } } />
{ children }
function CesiumIonTilesRenderer( { children, apiToken, assetId, } ) {
return (
<TilesRenderer { } key={ apiToken + assetId }>
<TilesPlugin plugin={ CesiumIonAuthPlugin } args={ { apiToken, assetId } } />
{ children }
Wrapper for the three.js TilesRenderer
class. Listening for events are specified with a camel-case property prefixed with on
, such as onLoadModel
, and all other properties are specified as individual properties with dashes being used to indicate nested properties. For example, lruCache-minSize
is used to set lruCache.minSize
url={ tilesetUrl }
// pass properties to apply to the tile set root object
group={ {
position: [ 0, 10, 0 ],
rotation: [ Math.PI / 2, 0, 0 ],
} }
// set options to the TilesRenderer object
errorTarget={ 6 }
errorThreshold={ 10 }
// set nested object options of the TilesRenderer
parseQueue-maxJobs={ 30 }
downloadQueue-maxJobs={ 10 }
lruCache-minBytesSize={ 0.25 * 1e6 }
lruCache-maxBytesSize={ 0.5 * 1e6 }
// event registration
onLoadTileSet={ onLoadTileSetCallback }
onLoadModel={ onLoadModelCallback }
Plugins can be set as children of the TilesRenderer component to add additional functionality. TilePlugin components must be nested inside a TilesRenderer component. Constructor arguments are passed via the args
parameter while local members can be passed via the regular properties. But note that depending on the plugin some properties cannot be changed after construction and initialization.
See the PLUGINS documentation for docs on all avilable plugins.
<TilesRenderer url={ tilesetUrl }>
plugin={ PluginClassName }
args={ /* constructor arguments as array or object */ }
{ ...pluginProps }
And a practical example of creating and using a plugin:
<TilesRenderer url={ tilesetUrl } >
<TilesPlugin plugin={ GLTFExtensionsPlugin }
dracoLoader={ dracoLoader }
ktxLoader={ ktx2Loader }
autoDispose={ false }
{ /*
// alternatively the options can be passed via constructor arguments
// or a mix of both can be used.
args = { {
autoDispose: false,
} }
*/ }
These EnvironmentControls
and GlobeControls
classes have been wrapped as components to handle user-interaction. They will both be set to the controls
react three fiber state field when in use. All properties on the original classes can be passed as properties:
<TilesRenderer url={ url } { ...props } />
<EnvironmentControls enableDamping={ true } enabled={ true } />
The GlobeControls
component must be set as a child of the TilesRenderer
component that is providing the ellipsoid to orbit around.
<TilesRenderer url={ url } { ...props }>
<GlobeControls enableDamping={ true } />
The EastNorthUpFrame
creates a root object that is centered on the provided point relative to the tile sets ellipsoid, specified via lat/lon/height and euler angle props and is used to place 3D objects relative to that point. It does not rotate the original tile set and must be a child of a TilesRenderer
It can be used to place markers on the surface of the ellipsoid, such as a cone for pointing to a location:
<TilesRenderer url={ url } { ...props }>
{ /* ... */ }
{/* The latitude and longitude to place the frame at in radians */}
lat={ lat }
lon={ lon }
{/* The height above the ellipsoid to place the frame at in meters */}
height={ 100 }
The azimuth, elevation, and roll around the "north" axis, applied
in that order intrinsicly, in radians
az={ 0 }
el={ 0 }
roll={ 0 }
{/* Children are position relative to the east, north, up frame */}
<mesh rotation-x={ - Math.PI / 2 } scale={ 100 } position-z={ 50 }>
<coneGeometry args={ [ 0.5 ] } />
<meshStandardMaterial color={ 'red' } />
The TilesAttributionOverlay
component must be embedded in a tile set and will automatically display the credits associated with the loaded data set.
<TilesRenderer url={ url } { ...props }>
{ /*
Callback function for generating attribution elements from credit info.
Takes the list of attributions and a unique "id" assigned to the overlay dom element.
*/ }
generateAttributions={ null }
{ /* remaining properties are assigned to the root overlay element */ }
Adds a compass to the bottom right of the page that orients to "north" based on the camera position and orientation. Must be nested in a TilesRenderer
Any children passed into the class will replace the default red and white compass design with +Y pointing north and +X pointing east. The graphic children should fit within a volume from - 0.5 to 0.5 along all axes.
{/* Specifies whether the compass will render in '2d' or '3d' */}
mode={ '3d' }
{/* The size of the compass in pixels */}
scale={ 35 }
{/* The number pixels in margin to add relative to the bottom right of the screen */}
margin={ 10 }
{/* Whether to render the main scene */}
overrideRenderLoop={ true }
{/* Whether the gizmo is visible and rendering */}
visible={ true }
{/* Any remaining props including click events are passed through to the parent group */}
onClick={ () => console.log( 'compass clicked!' ) }