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dvdblk committed Nov 26, 2019
0 parents commit 58e51e9
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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# macOS

# Don't include the generated pdfs
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions
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# 📌 Notability Notes Converter 📌

This repository contains the necessary code to convert all of your notes to `.pdf` format. After running the script, all notes from the Notability app on your Mac will be exported as pdf to an `out` folder.

### ⚠️ Requirements ⚠️
1. macOS
2. []( for macOS

## Running the script

1. Append a pin emoji (📌) to each note file that you wan't to have exported.
2. (Optional if editing notes from another Apple device) Wait for iCloud to sync.
3. Then run from terminal

$ osascript notability_pdf_export.scpt

Or just run the file directly via Script Editor.

### Example

Structure of notes in Notability

$ osascript notability_pdf_export.scpt

After running the script a new directory containing all the required pdfs is created.

# Structure of out folder

## Features

* Creates a `.pdf` file for each note that ends with the pin emoji (📌)
* Each pdf file will be correctly categorized by a folder that represents the Note subject
* The script doesn't export the same note twice. (i.e. the pdf files are overwritten only when the modification time of the Notability note is greater than the pdfs that were generated beforehand)
### Todo

- [ ] Add flags for including the Paper 📜 / Page Margin 📄 in the pdf export settings. Currently each pdf is exported without the paper and page margins.
- [ ] Add the option to flag (📌) an entire subject.
- [ ] Add exclusion tag for notes that you don't want to be exported from tagged subjects.

## License

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#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
return parser.parse_args()

def create_expected_datestring(datestr):
time_format = "%H:%M"
date_format = "%d %b %Y"
datetime_format = "{} {}".format(date_format, time_format)
today =
yesterday = today - timedelta(days=1)
date_to_day_nr = lambda d: d.strftime(date_format)
clean_datestr = datestr.replace(
"at", ""
"Today", date_to_day_nr(today)
"Yesterday", date_to_day_nr(yesterday)

correct_datetime = datetime.strptime(clean_datestr, datetime_format)
return correct_datetime.strftime("%A, %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S")

if __name__ == "__main__":
args = arguments()
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions notability_pdf_export.scpt
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@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@

property exportFileExtension : ".pdf"
property noteExportFlag : "📌"
property notabilityName : "Notability"

# Create the out folder
tell application "Finder"
set outFolder to my FilepathToThisFolderAsString() & "out"
end tell

# Launch Notability
tell application notabilityName
delay 1
delay 2
end tell

tell application "System Events"
my WaitUntilExists(window 1 of application process notabilityName)
# Save notability main window for later
set notabilityWindow to window 1 of application process notabilityName
tell process notabilityName
# This selects the All Notes tab
select (row 1 of outline 1 of scroll area 2 of window 1)

# For each note in All notes
repeat with aRow in (every row of table 1 of scroll area 3 of notabilityWindow)
repeat 1 times
# Variables
set currentNoteCategory to name of static text 1 of UI element 1 of aRow
set currentNoteName to name of static text 2 of UI element 1 of aRow
set currentNoteModDate to name of static text 3 of UI element of aRow
set currentNoteModDate to my CreateDateFromDatestring(currentNoteModDate as text)

# if current row contains export flag
if (currentNoteName contains noteExportFlag) then
# create a new name for the note without the export flag
set noteNameWithoutEmoji to text 1 thru -2 of currentNoteName
# create the out filename for our note
set outNoteFilename to noteNameWithoutEmoji & exportFileExtension
set outFolder to outFolder & "/" & currentNoteCategory
set outNoteFilepath to outFolder & "/" & outNoteFilename
# create dir if needed
do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of outFolder

# check if note already exists
set noteFileExists to my FileExists(outNoteFilepath)
if noteFileExists then
# check if the current date is newer
tell application "System Events" to set lastLocalModDate to modification date of file outNoteFilepath
if lastLocalModDate currentNoteModDate then
# continue the loop, we don't have to export this
exit repeat -- continue
end if
end if

# select it, so the export knows what to export
select aRow

# export
click menu item "PDF..." of menu 1 of menu item "Export As" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1

set exportDialogWindow to window "Export"
my WaitUntilExists(exportDialogWindow)

# handle Export dialog
tell (exportDialogWindow)
# set focus on the text field
set focused of text field 1 to true

# Change the output folder
keystroke "g" using {command down, shift down}
delay 0.1
my WaitUntilExists(sheet 1)
tell sheet 1
set value of combo box 1 to outFolder
click button "Go"
end tell

# set the new filename without emojis
set value of text field 1 to outNoteFilename

# we don't want page margins or the paper to be included in the final pdf (uncheck all checkboxes)
repeat with aCheckbox in (every checkbox)
tell aCheckbox to if value is 1 then click
end repeat

# finally, export
click button "Export"

# if the file exists
if noteFileExists then
# wait for the action sheet
my WaitUntilExists(sheet 1)
# click the button
click button "Replace" of sheet 1
end if
end tell
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end tell

tell application notabilityName to quit

return "Success"

# Sub-routines
on FileExists(theFile) -- (String) as Boolean
tell application "System Events"
return (exists file theFile)
end tell
end FileExists

on CreateDateFromDatestring(theString)
return date (do shell script "python3 " & my FilepathToThisFolderAsString() & " " & quoted form of theString)
end CreateDateFromDatestring

on FilepathToThisFolderAsString()
tell application "Finder"
return POSIX path of (parent of (path to me) as string)
end tell
end FilepathToThisFolderAsString

on WaitUntilExists(theElement)
tell current application
repeat until (exists theElement)
delay 1
end repeat
end tell
end WaitUntilExists

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