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309 lines (258 loc) · 8.86 KB

File metadata and controls

309 lines (258 loc) · 8.86 KB
Curso       : nuevo
Area        : Sistemas operativos, monitorización, eventos, log.
Descripción : Usar logger para generar eventos.
              Usar journalctl para consultar eventos.
Requisitos  : GNU/Linux
Tiempo      : 4 sesiones

Generar y consultar eventos en varias plataformas

1. GNU/Linux

1.1 Generar eventos usando el comando logger

logger --tag nombre-alumnoXX \"IDP:\$USER:\$PWD:\$OLDPWD:\$(tail -n 1 \$HISTFILE)\"'"

1.2 Crear eventos con script

#!/usr/bin/env bash


echo "[INFO] Generador de eventos de $ALUMNO"
logger --tag $ALUMNO "IDP:$USER:$PWD:$OLDPWD:$(tail -n 1 $HISTFILE)"

echo -e "\n[INFO] Fin!"
exit 0

2. Windows PowerShell

2.1 Generar eventos

2.2 Consultar eventos

2.3 Activar la ejecución de script de PowerShell

@echo off

echo Enables PowerShell scripts execution:
rem Info:
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell" /v ExecutionPolicy /t REG_SZ /d "Unrestricted" /f > nul


$App = "nombre-alumnoXX" $EventSourcePath = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application$App" $CmdAutorunPath = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" $CmdAuditScriptPath = "$env:windir\System32\cmd-audit.bat"


Auxiliary functions


<# Checks if the specified value exists in Windows Registry #> function Test-RegistryValue($Path, $Value) { try { Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Value -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null return $true } catch { return $false } }


Enabling monitorization


<# Creates an event source in Windows Registry to log every executed command Info: #> function New-EventSource() { Write-Host "- Creating $App event source in Windows Registry" try { New-Item -Path $EventSourcePath | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path $EventSourcePath -Name CustomSource -PropertyType DWord -Value 1 | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path $EventSourcePath -Name EventMessageFile -PropertyType ExpandString -Value "$env:windir\System32\EventCreate.exe" | Out-Null New-ItemProperty -Path $EventSourcePath -Name TypesSupported -PropertyType DWord -Value 7 | Out-Null } catch { Write-Host $_.Exception.Message
} }

<# Generates CMD monitorization script #> function Generate-CmdAuditScript { # There's a problem if the user uses options that are considered valid for "call" / we cannot ignore "call" because the variables wouldn't be expanded $script = @" @echo off title Monitored CMD setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion echo. echo This terminal is being monitored by $App :loop echo. set OLDPWD=!CD! set COMMAND= set /P COMMAND=!CD!^> if "!COMMAND!" == "" goto loop call !COMMAND! set COMMAND=%COMMAND:"="% eventcreate /id 1 /L Application /T Information /SO $App /D "cmd:!USERNAME!:'!CD!':'!OLDPWD!':!COMMAND!" > nul goto loop "@ Set-Content $CmdAuditScriptPath $script }

<# Generates PowerShell monitorization script #> function Generate-PSAuditScript { $script = @" $global:OLDPWD = Get-Location $global:FIRSTTIME = `$true

Logs an event for the last executed Cmdlet in PowerShell

function Write-LastPSCmdletEvent ($cmdlet) { $username = $env:USERNAME $pwd = ($PWD).Path $message = "powershell:" + $username + ":'" + $pwd + "':'" + $global:OLDPWD + "':" + $cmdlet $eventId = 1 $type = 1 # information event $id = New-Object System.Diagnostics.EventInstance($eventId, $type) $event = New-Object System.Diagnostics.EventLog $event.Log = "Application" $event.Source = "$App" $event.WriteEvent($id, `$message) }

Ovewrites "prompt()" function to inject the execution of "Write-LastPSCmdletEvent" before showing prompt to the user

function prompt { $lastCmdlet = (Get-History -Count 1).CommandLine if ($lastCmdlet -ne "") { Write-LastPSCmdletEvent $lastCmdlet } $global:OLDPWD = Get-Location $prompt = "PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) "; if ($global:FIRSTTIME) { $prompt = "``nThis terminal is being monitored by $App.``n``n" + $prompt $global:FIRSTTIME = $false } return `$prompt } "@ Set-Content $PSHOME\Profile.ps1 $script }

<# Enables CMD monitorization (system is configured to log every executed command in command prompt) #> function Enable-CmdAudit() { # Copies the script to audit CMD in System32 folder Write-Host "- Generating CMD auditing script in $CmdAuditScriptPath" Generate-CmdAuditScript

# Sets the script automatic execution when CMD is opened
Write-Host "- Setting AutoRun value in Windows Registry to run the monitoring script when CMD is opened"
New-ItemProperty -Path $CmdAutorunPath -Name Autorun -PropertyType ExpandString -Value $CmdAuditScriptPath | Out-Null


<# Enables PowerShell monitorization #> function Enable-PSAudit() {
# Creates the PowerShell global profile (for all users) which overwrites "prompt()" function Write-Host "- Generating PowerShell global profile in order to ovewrite 'prompt' function" Generate-PSAuditScript }


Checking monitorization


<# Checks if 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\TerminalTrainer' key exists, corresponding to TerminalTrainer event source #> function Test-EventSource() { return (Test-Path $EventSourcePath) }

<# Checks if CMD monitorization is enabled #> function Test-CmdAudit() { # Checks if CMD monitoring script exists in "System32" folder, # if "Autorun" value exists in "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" key # and if this value points to the script return ((Test-Path $CmdAuditScriptPath) -and (Test-RegistryValue -Path $CmdAutorunPath -Value "Autorun") -and ((Get-ItemProperty -Path $CmdAutorunPath -Name "Autorun").Autorun -ieq $CmdAuditScriptPath)) }

<# Checks if PowerShell monitorization is enabled #> function Test-PSAudit() { # Comprueba si existe el perfil global de PowerShell return (Test-Path "$PSHOME\Profile.ps1") }


Disabling monitorization


<# Removes TerminalTrainer event source from Windows Registry #> function Remove-EventSource() { Write-Host "- Removing $App event source from Windows Registry" Remove-Item -Path $EventSourcePath | Out-Null }

<# Disabling CMD monitorization #> function Disable-CmdAudit() { # Removes CMD monitoring script from "System32" folder Write-Host "- Removing CMD monitoring script from $CmdAuditScriptPath" Remove-Item $CmdAuditScriptPath | Out-Null

# Removes Autorun value from Windows Registry
Write-Host "- Removing AutoRun value from Windows Registry, disabling the CMD monitoring script automatic execution"
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $CmdAutorunPath -Name Autorun | Out-Null


<# Disabling PowerShell monitorization #> function Disable-PSAudit() {
# Removes PowerShell global profile (for all users) Write-Host "- Removing PowerShell global profile" Remove-Item $PSHOME\Profile.ps1 | Out-Null }


Main functions


If ($Test) { $ReturnValue = 0

Write-Host -NoNewline "- $App event source exists? "
if (-not (Test-EventSource)) {
    Write-Host "[NO]"
    $ReturnValue = 1
} else {
    Write-Host "[YES]"

Write-Host -NoNewline "- CMD monitorization is enabled? "
if (-not (Test-CmdAudit)) {
    Write-Host "[NO]"
    $ReturnValue = 1
} else {
    Write-Host "[YES]"

Write-Host -NoNewline "- PowerShell monitorization is enabled? "
if (-not (Test-PSAudit)) {
    Write-Host "[NO]"
    $ReturnValue = 1
} else {
    Write-Host "[YES]"

exit $ReturnValue


If ($Disable) { try { Remove-EventSource Disable-CmdAudit Disable-PSAudit exit 0 } catch { Write-Host $_.Exception.Message exit 1 } }

If ($Enable) { try { New-EventSource Enable-CmdAudit Enable-PSAudit exit 0 } catch { Write-Host $_.Exception.Message exit 1 } }

exit 1