To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
DUYTableViewController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'DUYTableViewController'
Add this line at the top of your swift file
import DUYTableViewController
Create your ViewController View Model, here is where you store your view data, we have an example here:
class TestTableViewModel : DUYTableviewViewModel{
var dataImageTitle : [(String,String,String)] = [
("Justice league 1", "Best movie in 2018", "justice"),
("Hello Scene", "The most breathtaking scene in 2019", "scene"),
("Justice league 1", "Best movie in 2018", "news")
var dataBasic : [(String, String)] = [
("Cruise line makes claim about granddad holding tot before she fell off ship","Royal Caribbean is seeking to dismiss a civil lawsuit filed by the family of Chloe Wiegand, claiming that her grandfather"),
("GRANDFATHER WHO DROPPED TODDLER SPEAKS OUT FOLLOWING TRAGIC INCIDENT","An attorney for the Wiegand family said later that month that Anello had held Chloe up to what he believed to be a window, so she could bang on the glass")
var dataCollection : [(String,String,[String])] = [
("The death of the blockbuster: How The Rise of Skywalker marks the end of a cinematic era", "With Star Wars in trouble and Marvel at a turning point, and X-Men, Men in Black and Terminator among the established franchises faltering in 2019, Adam White asks what’s next for the traditional blockbuster", ["scene", "justice"]),
("These Colleges Don’t Make The Grade","The Universities That Just Aren’t Worth The Tuition",["news", "scene"]),
("$120K Banana Makes For An Expensive Snack","Typically, bananas are one of nature’s most nutritious, delicious, and affordable snacks. At the grocery store",["justice","scene","news"])
override func fetchData(){
/// Sample code
var tmpArr : [DUYTableViewCellViewModel] = []
let section = self.getSectionViewModelAt(index: 0)
for i in 0...dataCollection.count-1{
let vm = ImageHorizontalListViewModel.init(sectionViewModel: section, tableViewModel: self, section: 0, row: i)
vm.subTitle = dataCollection[i].1
vm.mainTitle = dataCollection[i].0
vm.listImage = dataCollection[i].2
for i in 0...dataImageTitle.count-1 {
let vm = ImageTitleCellViewModel.init(sectionViewModel: section, tableViewModel: self, section: 0, row : i)
vm.subTitle = dataImageTitle[i].0
vm.mainTitle = dataImageTitle[i].1
vm.image = UIImage.init(named: dataImageTitle[i].2)
for i in 0...dataBasic.count-1{
let vm = DUYTableViewCellViewModel.init(sectionViewModel: section, tableViewModel: self, section: 0, row : i)
vm.subTitle = dataBasic[i].0
vm.mainTitle = dataBasic[i].1
section.cellViewModelArray = tmpArr
/// Sample code end
You create your own ViewController with your own tableView, your ViewController should inherit DUYTableViewController
, and call setUpTableView
in viewDidLoad with your ViewModel in Step 2 and your tableView.
class TestTableViewController: DUYTableViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var tableView : UITableView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.setUpTableView(tableViewModel: TestTableViewModel.init(), tableView: self.tableView)
//...Your code below
Register cells, events, and cell UI properties:
override func getRegisteredCells() -> [TableCellRegistration<DUYTableviewCell>] {
let results : [TableCellRegistration<DUYTableviewCell>] = [
(classType : ImageTitleTableViewCell.self, isFromXib: true),
(classType : ImageHorizontalListTableViewCell.self, isFromXib: true)
return results
override func setUpBinding() {
self.tableViewModel.onDataChanged = {
[weak self] vm, section in
self.tableViewModel.onRowTap = {
[weak self] vm, section, row in
guard let vm = vm as? DUYTableViewCellViewModel else {return}
self?.showAlert(title: vm.mainTitle, message: vm.subTitle + "\(row)")
override func configureCellViewModel(viewModel: DUYTableviewCellViewModelProtocol, section: Int, row: Int) {
super.configureCellViewModel(viewModel: viewModel, section: section, row: row)
switch viewModel {
case let someVm as ImageTitleCellViewModel:
let _ = someVm
.setIdentifierCell(class: ImageTitleTableViewCell.self)
.setCellHeight(h: 223)
Create your cells needed for the tableView and let it inherit DUYTableViewCell, implement setData
override func setData(viewModel: DUYTableviewCellViewModelProtocol) {
guard let viewModel = viewModel as? ImageTitleCellViewModel else {return}
self.lblTitle.text = viewModel.mainTitle
self.lblSubtitle.text = viewModel.subTitle
self.imgView.image = viewModel.image
Check your results, here is my sample result from the example project
DUYTableViewController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.