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245 lines (171 loc) · 8.88 KB

File metadata and controls

245 lines (171 loc) · 8.88 KB


URL METHOD POST Content-type application/json

World state control


{"WorldSave": {"file_name": file_name}} -> {"Success":{}}

Saves the current state to the specified file


{"WorldLoad": {"file_name": file_name}} -> {"Success":{}}

Loads the state of the world from the specified file


{'WorldClear': {}} -> {"Success":{}}

Completely clears the world of dynamic items

Items management

Add items

{"ItemsAdd": {"items": [{"world": u8, serial": u32, "x": isize, "y": isize, "z": i8, "graphic": u32}, ...]}} -> {"Success": {}}

Adds an items with the specified parameters to the world. If the item is standard multi-object, then graphic must have the flag 0x10000. If an item with that serial already exists, then the old copy will be deleted. Only one item with a unique serial can exist in the world.

if the object is a multi-object, then its parts are added to the world.

Custom Houses

{"MultiItemsAdd": [ {"item": {"world": u8, "serial": u32, "x": isize, "y": isize, "z": u8, "graphic": u32 }, "parts": [ {"x": isize, "y": isize, "z": i8, "graphic": u16, "flags": u32 }, ... ] }, ... ] } -> {"Success": {}}

Adds custom houses to the world. Field graphic must have flag 0x20000. Works like ItemsAdd, but all parts of the house will be sended and added, not only main object. Essentially, the source of the parts of the multi-object will be the data from the request, not the data loaded from the multi.mul. Deleting a multi-object with ItemsDel.

Delete item

{"ItemsDel": {"serials": [u32, ...]}} -> {"Success": {}}

Removes the item with the specified serials from the world.

if the object is multi-object, then all its parts will be removed from the world.


{"Query": {"left": isize, "top": isize, "right": isize, "bottom": isize}} -> {"QueryReply": {"items": [{"world": u8, serial": u32, "x": isize, "y": isize, "z": i8, "graphic": u16, "timestamp": u64}, ...]}}

Searches for items in the specified area.

The response will include items with coordinates left <= item.x < right top <= item.y < bottom

In general, the response contains the same that was added using ItemsAdd, but includes an additional field timestamp - the time the item was last updated.

The query will not return parts of the multi-object, only the game objects.

Also for multi-objects the graphic field will have a flag 0x10000 or 0x20000.



Allows you to fine-tune the path search algorithm by setting the cost of movements, the heuristics function, limit the search area. All fields are optional and allow you to change the default settings.

{ "left": isize, "top": isize, "right": isize, "bottom": isize, "accuracy_x": isize, "accuracy_y": isize, "accuracy_z": isize, "flags_walk": [flag, ...], "flags_ignore": [flag, ...], "cost_turn": isize, "cost_move_straight": isize, "cost_move_diagonal": isize, "cost_move_multi": isize, "heuristic_distance": isize, "heuristic_straight": isize, "heuristic_diagonal": isize, "all_points": isize, "allow_diagonal_move": isize, "cost_limit": isize }

Explanation of options

Area boundaries

left, top, right, bottom - the boundaries of the search area. Default values are current world dimensions.

Accuracy of pathfinding

accuracy_x, accuracy_y, accuracy_z - the accuracy of finding the end point of the path. Default value is 0.

Advanced passability checking flags

flags_walk, flags_ingore - a set of flags that allows you to change the passability check for certain tiles. Default values - is empty. flags_walk - tiles with these flags can be walked on as if on a surface. flags_ignore - tiles with these flags will simply be ignored. It's like they just don't exist.

Flags can now take the following values - Impassable, Surface, Wet, HoverOver, Door, Wall.

With the default values, the path will be routed normally without passing through doors.


if you set "flags_walk": ["Wet"], then the path can pass through the water. if you set "flags_walk": ["HoverOver"], then the path will be laid, including along gargolye flight paths If you set "flags_walk": ["Impassable"], this is the strongest option, in which it will be possible to walk on all tiles, but not HoverOver, for flying it must be set explicitly.


if you set "flags_ignore": ["Door"], all doors will be considered passable when pathfinding. This is the most useful option.

You can also set other flags, such as Wall or Impassable, this will allow the search for a path to ignore the walls of houses or in general all impassable objects, such as trees or stones. But this makes little sense.

While it is not possible to set pathfinding to water only, such as for sea serpent.

Movement cost

cost_turn, cost_move_straight, cost_move_diagonal - cost of moving and turning (changing direction). The default value is 1. If the value of cost_move_diagonal is not set explicitly, it will be equal to cost_move_straight.

The cost can be set to anything - for example, the movement time in milliseconds: cost_turn=50, cost_move_straight=100, cost_move_diagonal=100

Or you can consider them as a penalty for certain actions, higher value, less preferable action: cost_turn=100, cost_move_straight=25, cost_move_diagonal=50

The higher cost of turns and diagonal movement will lead to the fact that a route will be built that meets these requirements.

cost_limit - allows you to set limit of the cost, but for this limit to work, cost_ values must be greater than 0 Default value somewhere around INT_MAX

cost_move_multi - cost of moving through the tiles occupied by a multi-object. Default value is 0.

To avoid going through houses, set this option to a value greater than moving and turning cost. This won't completely prevent traversing them, but it will make it more expensive and the pathfinder will avoid it.

Heuristic options

heuristic_distance - specifies a function that measures the distance between two points "in a straight line". Default value is "Diagonal".

Can be one of these string values: "Manhattan", "Chebyshev", "Diagonal", "Euclidean".

dx = abs(dest_x - curr_x), dy = abs(dest_y - curr_y)

If it's quite simply "Manhattan" considers the greater of dx, dy as a distance.

"Euclidean" - the most common Euclidean distance is sqrt(dxdx+dydy). In the world of Ultima, it doesn't make much sense, and is rather expensive to calculate due to the int->float-sqrt->int conversion. But it allows you to find a little more “smooth” and not so diagonal paths.

"Chebyshev" - the distance to the point is the sum of dx+dy.

"Diagonal" - the distance is determined jointly from the "straight" and "diagonal" components with their own cost, according to a rather tricky formula.

If diagonal movement is enabled, "Diagonal" is usually the best choice. If diagonal movement is not required, then "Manhattan" is preferable.

heuristic_straight, heuristic_diagonal - a heuristic coefficient that determines the "strength" with which the endpoint "attract to itself". If the value of heuristic_diagonal is not set explicitly, it will be equal to heuristic_straight. If set to 0, then the path search will have no preference in the direction of tile exploring, and a breadth-first search will be performed instead of A*. The higher the value, the faster the path will be found, but at the cost of worsening optimality. heuristic_diagonal is only used if heuristic_distance set to "Diagonal". Default value is 5.

all_points - if set to true, then the result of the path search will include not only the path, but also all explored points in random order. This allows you to explore a certain area and get all the tiles available in it. Default value is false

allow_diagonal_move - allows you to enable or disable diagonal movement. Moving diagonally allows you to find better paths, but at the cost of slowing down twice, because each step has to check not 4 possible directions, but 8. Default value is false.

Options not described most likely do not work.

Search the Path

{"TracePath": {"world": u8, "sx": isize, "sy": isize, "sz": i8, "dx": isize, "dy": isize, "dz": i8, "options": {...} } -> [{"x": isize, "y": isize, "z": i8, "w": isize}, ... ]

Searches for a path from the specified start point (sx,sy,sz) to the end point (dx,dy,dz), taking into account options, returns the path found or empty if it is impossible to move at all. Using options allows you to set additional options for finding the path.

Returns a list of coordinates that can be used to reach the nearest point to the target