The scoria library is a lightweight python code base designed for importing, manipulating, and exporting molecular models.
Visit to download the latest version. The same version is mirrored on GitHub.
Visit to:
- read the documenation
- suggest an improvement
- point out a bug
- ask a question about usage
For MDAnalysis support, download Scoria MDA instead:
Scoria is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENCE.txt for details.
Scoria MDA is derived from Scoria and includes MDAnalysis support. It is released under the GNU General Public License version 3.0.
The scoria libarary can be installed via pip as
# for python 2
pip install scoria
# for python 3
pip3 install scoria
Scoria runs best with NumPy and SciPy. Some versions can also use the MDAnalysis library for additional import methods. The first two dependancies should be automatically installed alongside the package.
This library was produced by Jacob Durrant ( with the assistance of Patrick Ropp and Aaron Friedman.