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Perdita is a Durango Emulator that can run any ROM created for Durango. Perdita is based on the 65C02 instruction set and the Durango-X architecture, but currently does not support the Rockwell R65C02 extensions. However, the WDC WAI and STP opcodes are emulated, the former as a breakpoint.

With Perdita you can test your developments, and use the internal development tools, like memory dump or gamepad emulation. Emulation is complete and, on a reasonably powered computer, cycle-accurate. The only current caveats are:

  • Sound is emulated, but some distortion may be heard.
  • Real-time video mode switching won't display properly on the emulated screen.

Build and use perdita

Perdita uses the SDL2 framework to display the screen contents, so you need to install it on your system (Linux only).

apt install sdl2-dev

You can use Makefile to generate the perdita executable.


Build For Windows

To Build for windows, you need to install MinGW. Later, use the next command.



To run Perdita, you can use the following instructions

./perdita [options] <path to romfile>

The options included are:

  • -a: load ROM at supplied address, example 0x8000.
  • -f: fast mode.
  • -s: safe mode (will stop on warnings and BRK).
  • -p: start in STEP mode
  • -l: enable error LED(s)
  • -k: keep GUI open after program end
  • -h: headless -- no graphics!
  • -v: verbose (warnings/interrupts/jumps/events/all)
  • -r: do NOT randomize memory at startup
  • -g: emulate controllers (Gamepads); you can use usb gamepads with durango emulator.
  • -m: do NOT emulate Minstrel-type keyboard

Also, you can execute some commands using functions keys:

  • F1: Stop emulation and quit.
  • F2: NMI Button (Non-Maskable Interrupt).
  • F3: IRQ (Interrupt ReQuest).
  • F4: Reset.
  • F5: Pause and display status.
  • F6: Dump memory (and register) contents.
  • F7: Single-Step execution (while paused).
  • F8: Resume normal execution (from pause).
  • F9: Load dump file (dump.bin).
  • F10: Load keystrokes file (keystrokes.txt), emulating each keystroke every 25 interrupts (1/10 second), or 50 interrupts in case of the ENTER key.

Virtual Serial Port (VSP)

As a valuable debugging tool, a Virtual Serial Port is provided. It allows communication with the host environment thru a predefined I/O device occupying two addresses: $DF93 for data exchange and $DF94 for configuration.

Keyboard emulation

Perdita includes two kind of keyboards: an "intelligent" PASK-like device (ASCII character received at $DF9A) and the Minstrel-like 40-key keyboard provided as standard (at $DF9B). The latter can be disabled with the -m option for debugging purposes.

Gamepad emulation

Two NES-type gamepads are emulated into the standard I/O addresses $DF9C and $DF9D, using the standard protocol. If no physical gamepads are available, they can be emulated by host keystrokes via the -g option.