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333 lines (271 loc) · 14.1 KB

File metadata and controls

333 lines (271 loc) · 14.1 KB

To Fix

  • Document getIndirectCallFunList

  • have procIndirectCal... match the parameter names. +

getGlobals(get_stn_info, indirectCallFunctions = names(CodeAnalysis:::getIndirectCallFunList(xpathSApply = "fun", xpathApply = "fun")))
  • √ getInputFiles, etc. - optionally allow/disallow calls/language objects in the results. Sometimes just want the literal strings.

    • can't differentiate between an NA from not matching the argument and a non literal.
      • could deparse but then can't differentiate between file name and deparsed string.
      • could return character() for either of these or NaN
  • getSourceInfo()

    • What about returning a list with an element for each file and the files it source()s via findCallsTo(, "source").
      • different representation.
    • get the directories correct.
      • chdir - if in a call, follow this.
    • check circularities - issues warning.
      • check with VarietyTrial.R
    • √ [no - leave as is] fix getRelative() for ..
      • [no] normalizePath() for the files that exist.
        • this converts ~/foo/bar to /Users/..../foo/bar and we want the ~
    • √ Why are the files that don't exist included twice in the output. See VarietyTrial.R
      • because of the normalizePath() and treating ~/foo/bar and /Users/duncan/foo/bar as 2 diferent files.
    • √ make recursive.
  • getFunctionDefs for call

    • √ examples for some types do recursive regardless
      • getFunctionDefs(quote(function(x) function(mu, sd) prod(dnorm(x, mu, sd)))) returns both when recursive is either TRUE or FALSE
    • √ example for ifCall and whileCall gives very nested list.
      • unlist works fine in the tmp function.
  • callGraph() - add special edges between generic function and its methods

    • not necessarily called but an association.
    • in S4Catcher, additionally collect the methods.
    • Could also find the as(x, "class") and try to figure out which setAs() is in effect, but need to know the class of x.
  • getGlobals() doesn't detect local variable in the code blocks in an if()-else could be a global

    • See "conditional evaluation" in tests/getGlobals.R
    • same with x < 0 || (w <- any( when x is < 0 and second term not evaluated.
  • Find unused parameters and local variables

    • Check if the new findAssignsTo() helps this, i.e., the complex assignments.
    • see findUnusedParams
    • can we adapt getGlobals() to identify local variable creation and then if it is used.
      • add a field to getGlobals() output which indicates if local variable was used - either as return value or in RHS of another expression.
  • isIndidrectCall - errors in call to

    • remove the try() and run procPackages(returnsFunction)
    • methods package has body(, envir = ..)
      • actually this is a body<- call.
      • also use the package's environment
    • see findCallsTo issue about environment for get()
    • √ for now, tryCatch() and if isLHS is NA or TRUE, try the funName<- version of the function.
      • XXX ideally pass isLHS down through the call stack.
      • we can't tell from the call itself if it is the LHS
        • need argument or
        • √ could put an attribute on this from higher up the call stack.
  • [check] programmatically determine if a function returns a function - returnsFunction()

    • grDevices:::.select_device
      • returnsFunction() doesn't include pdf as one of the possible functions being returned.
      • not following the definition of local variables within the function when the return value is a symbol.
    • fix to deal with processing assignments in subfunctions and not the function itself.
      • need to detect updates/replacement function assignments, e.g. attr(f, "foo") = x and f$foo = x and f[["foo"]] = x and chains.
  • [check] findCallsTo - extend to identify and *apply calls.

    • fix isIndirectCall to determine how we resolve a function name.
      • needs environment for call to get() or pass the functions directly.
    • √ consolidate with isCallTo()
      • [need to do rstatic] that mixes rstatic and language objects. Add to language part but should update rstatic part also.
    • √ [check] Handle pkg::foo and pkg:::foo cases for indirect, e.g.
    • √ when processing a call, check if isCallTo(x, OneOfTheseFunctions) and if so, is the FUN argument (or corresponding argument) a call to the target functions.
  • getFunctionDefs() - have it find functions in setMethod(), i.e. the fun in the setMethod(meth, sig, fun)

    • √ already works with recursive = TRUE.
    • perhaps put better name on "these" (what ?) methods and generics.
      • need state, or ability to go back up tree.
  • circular references in parameters

    • find parameters with default values that refer to local variables and check if the parameter is used before those local variables are created.
    • See explorations/findSelfRef.R.
  • fix callGraph(fun) and the name used is obj. (meaning what??).

    • obj is the name of the first argument.
  • implement findOS()/mkOSWalker for finding code that depends on the platform/OS

    • if ( os ) {} else {}
    • use of .Platform$field
  • Fix mkGlobalsLocal() to optionally not add a default value to a parameter e.g. not replace Jvar with .Jvar = Jvar

  • Have mkGlobalsLocal() return the entire list, not just the ones that were changed. Make this an option.

  • mkGlobalsLocal() not changing references inside return() clause. See rstatic probably.

  • for loop concatenation, rewrite the code. We need type information about the elements to be able to initialize the answer vector.

  • [low priority] code analysis example (unrelated to highlighting, just the example)

    • highlight package getStyleFile() has
    if (grepl(sprintf("%s$", extension, = TRUE),  name))
    • the is in the call to sprintf() and the command gives a warning about ignoring an argument to sprintf.
    • The should be outside the sprintf() and in the call to grepl()
      • but since sprintf() has ... it is ambiguous, but not really
    • check whether a named argument in a call makes sense in the parent call.
  • [check/robustify] isAssignTo - make it handle complex left hand side.

    • √ Look at the function isComplexAssignTo. Make more robust.
    • See foo in tests/findAssignsTo.R.
    • Uses isAssignTo
      • So currently just checks if the LHS is the symbol.
      • add a version of this that handles complex assignments.
    • problem is x$y <- value is a call to $<-(x, y) and misses value. Need to go back up the tree.
      • But actually x$y <-value is parsed as <-(x$y, value)
    • findAssignsTo(findCallsTo, "isEnv") doesn't find the assignment in the if condition.
      • old todo item and findCallsTo code no longer has isEnv
      • but issue is probably if( isEnv <- is.environment(x))
      • findAssignsTo2 seems to work.
  • findCallsTo and findCallsToFunctions - check if should consolidate/remove one

  • same with getAllCalls

    • did we resolve this already?

New Features/Functionality

  • getGlobals()

    • Allow control of reporting non-local variables in nested functions.

      • might be useful for identifying which variables could be passed to the function instead of just referencing them from the enclosing environment. This would help with moving a nested function outside of its parent function for reuse and better testing (assuming it isn't updating these variables via <<-).
    • √ [tests/getGlobalsSkipCalls.R] See skip in getGlobals() so can avoid NSE functions such as until() and friends in GSPAutoTest.

    • √ Check substitute() calls for non-local variables in the expression that are in the second argument.

      • see GSPAutoTest/checkGlobals.R
      • √ For substitute(), process the second argument and ignore the first
      • √ For quote(), just skip the single argument
      • √ For bquote,
        • process the where and splice arguments if present.
        • if where is specified, don't process the first argument as we statically don't know what variables will be in that "environment"
        • if where is not present, find the calls to .() and ..() in the first argument and process each of them.
      • see tests/substitute.R
    • if(cond) warning else stop detects warning, but not stop, as a global variable.

      • this is correct in the case because stop() was already identified as a function in an earlier expression in the body of the function. This is in GSPAutoTest.
    • remoteDriver$new() in GSPAutoTest::getDriver() - reports remoteDriver as a global variable. Allow caller to specify what is available in the imports/search path.

      • availableVars
  • equivalent to rstatic::find_nodes

    • Do we have such a function already?
  • If add a parameter to a function, what calls do we need to change.

    • See R/addParam.R
    • did this recently, so finalize and make easy to use.
    • example, isLHS and envir in function isIndirectCall


  • √ getInputFiles and getOutputFiles and getGraphicOutputFiles

    • process the correct argument in the call.
  • √ getGraphicsOutputFiles and for Output functions.

    • make getGraphicsDevFuns()
  • √ listReadDataFuns() and listWriteDataFuns() - allow return a list if any elements have a different number

listWriteDataFuns( myWrite = c("a", "b"))
  • currently myWrite1 and myWrite2 elements rather than a single element.

  • Don't break the other uses of the primitive function underlying this.

  • √ callGraph(".") for CodeAnalysis/R gives an error cannot change value of locked binding for 'isAssignReturn

    • trying to source() the code into an environment but the setGeneric is not given the target environment.
    • fix the environment for setGeneric/setMethod or
    • √ provide setGeneric/setMethod in the environment so these are called instead of the ones in methods.
      • √ put the functions into the target namespace or a list.
  • √ If a function has a literal externalptr inlined, then getGlobals() fails in lapply(els, fun, w)

    • Seems okay
p = new('externalptr')
f = function() return(x)
body(f)[[2]] = p

g = function() { if(x < 0)  y else p}
body(g)[[2]][[4]] = p

g = function(a = 1) { if(x < 0)  y else p}
formals(g)$a = p
  • [check] Make code walkers - optionally - skip descending into if(FALSE) expressions.

    • but do process if(TRUE) and the else part of if(FALSE) {} else {... }
    • √√ Done for mkCallWalkerPred
    • Done for the other code walker generators and top-level functions that call them
      • and updated Rd files.
  • √ Check uses of isAssignTo/isSimpleAssignTo and ensure they are okay with the check the RHS is a name, not a complex LHS.

    • Split this into isAssignTo and isSimpleAssignTo and isComplexAssignTo and isAssignTo() is an || of calls to the two specific ones.
      • Could be more efficient.
    • Checked where they were used and made this change.
  • √ in findCallsTo(), if parse fails, make it happen silently.

  • findFunctionDefs()/getFunctionDefs() doesn't handle name = name2 = function() ...

    • √ getFunctionDefs() gets it right for tests/chainedAssigns.
    • findFunctionDefs() returns list.
    • Old
      • only captures name and not name2
      • e.g. RDCOMEvents/eventServer.S
      • shouldn't need recursive = TRUE to find name in name = name2 = function() ..
      • works now, but not with recursive = TRUE
  • Re. above - should we get rid of findFunctionDefs()

    • √ fixed - getFunctionDefs() doesn't know about Vectorize/vectorize
    • √ getFunctionDefs() knows about (top-level) if(FALSE)
      • see getFunctionDefs("tests/chainedAssigns.R")
  • Fix message from getGlobals

In procIndirectFunCall(e, funName) :
       cannot currently determine function in empty call to That uses the context of the call.1
  • see base::autoloader

    • findSelfRef.R and running on all packages to reproduce issue.
  • remove this message. It occurs with calls to and formals() with no arguments. There are no variables there - global or local.

  • √ false positive for global variables in R CMD check for textConnection("bob", "w", local = TRUE); bob

    • This is an R issue.
    • √ We can make getGlobals() understand it.
  • removeAfterReturn should work recursively to process blocks within functions.

  • remove unused parameters - see findUnusedArgs/findUnusedParams. also unusedParams

  • remove unused assignments if we can tell there are no side effects of the RHS.

getFunctionDefs v findFunctionDefs

  • Vectorize
    • Yes getFunctionDefs() - after changes
    • Yes findFunctionDefs()
  • chained assigns x = y = function
    • Yes getFunctionDefs()
  • if(FALSE)
    • Yes getFunctionDefs()
  • setGeneric
    • No getFunctionDefs()
  • setMethod()
    • No getFunctionDefs()
  • handle different types of inputs
    • √ - overall: √ filename, √ directory name, √ environment, √ list, √ function, call, ....??
    • Yes getFunctionDefs()
  • recursively process functions to find subfunctions
    • Yes if given a function, file, expression.
  • recursively follow source() commands
    • No.

findFunctionDefs picks up x$fun = function which is not necessarily good

  • In tests/ directory
z = getFunctionDefs("getFunctionDefsEg2.R") # file
z3 = getFunctionDefs(".")   # directory
e = new.env(); source("getFunctionDefsEg2.R", e); ze = getFunctionDefs(e)  # environment
z4 = getFunctionDefs(as.list.environment(e, TRUE)) # list
getFunctionDefs(z4$rec) # function object
getFunctionDefs(quote(function(x)  x + 1)) # call
getFunctionDefs(quote(x <- function(x)  x + 1))  # assignment call

z = getFunctionDefs("getFunctionDefsEg2.R", recursive = TRUE)
e = parse("getFunctionDefsEg2.R")
z2 = getFunctionDefs(e)
z2r = getFunctionDefs(e, recursive = TRUE)