Document getIndirectCallFunList
have procIndirectCal... match the parameter names. +
getGlobals(get_stn_info, indirectCallFunctions = names(CodeAnalysis:::getIndirectCallFunList(xpathSApply = "fun", xpathApply = "fun")))
√ getInputFiles, etc. - optionally allow/disallow calls/language objects in the results. Sometimes just want the literal strings.
- can't differentiate between an NA from not matching the argument and a non literal.
- could deparse but then can't differentiate between file name and deparsed string.
- could return character() for either of these or NaN
- can't differentiate between an NA from not matching the argument and a non literal.
- What about returning a list with an element for each file and the files it source()s
via findCallsTo(, "source").
- different representation.
- get the directories correct.
- chdir - if in a call, follow this.
- check circularities - issues warning.
- check with VarietyTrial.R
- √ [no - leave as is] fix getRelative() for ..
- [no] normalizePath() for the files that exist.
- this converts ~/foo/bar to /Users/..../foo/bar and we want the ~
- [no] normalizePath() for the files that exist.
- √ Why are the files that don't exist included twice in the output. See VarietyTrial.R
- because of the normalizePath() and treating ~/foo/bar and /Users/duncan/foo/bar as 2 diferent files.
- √ make recursive.
- What about returning a list with an element for each file and the files it source()s
via findCallsTo(, "source").
getFunctionDefs for call
- √ examples for some types do recursive regardless
getFunctionDefs(quote(function(x) function(mu, sd) prod(dnorm(x, mu, sd))))
returns both when recursive is either TRUE or FALSE
- √ example for ifCall and whileCall gives very nested list.
- unlist works fine in the tmp function.
- √ examples for some types do recursive regardless
callGraph() - add special edges between generic function and its methods
- not necessarily called but an association.
- in S4Catcher, additionally collect the methods.
- Could also find the as(x, "class") and try to figure out which setAs() is in effect, but need to know the class of x.
getGlobals() doesn't detect local variable in the code blocks in an if()-else could be a global
- See "conditional evaluation" in tests/getGlobals.R
- same with x < 0 || (w <- any(is.na(x))) when x is < 0 and second term not evaluated.
Find unused parameters and local variables
- Check if the new findAssignsTo() helps this, i.e., the complex assignments.
- see findUnusedParams
- can we adapt getGlobals() to identify local variable creation and then if it is used.
- add a field to getGlobals() output which indicates if local variable was used - either as return value or in RHS of another expression.
isIndidrectCall - errors in call to match.call()
- remove the try() and run procPackages(returnsFunction)
- methods package has body(, envir = ..)
- actually this is a body<- call.
- also use the package's environment
- see findCallsTo issue about environment for get()
- √ for now, tryCatch() and if isLHS is NA or TRUE, try the
version of the function.- XXX ideally pass isLHS down through the call stack.
- we can't tell from the call itself if it is the LHS
- need argument or
- √ could put an attribute on this from higher up the call stack.
[check] programmatically determine if a function returns a function - returnsFunction()
- grDevices:::.select_device
- returnsFunction() doesn't include pdf as one of the possible functions being returned.
- not following the definition of local variables within the function when the return value is a symbol.
- fix to deal with processing assignments in subfunctions and not the function itself.
- need to detect updates/replacement function assignments, e.g. attr(f, "foo") = x and f$foo = x and f[["foo"]] = x and chains.
- grDevices:::.select_device
[check] findCallsTo - extend to identify do.call and *apply calls.
- fix isIndirectCall to determine how we resolve a function name.
- needs environment for call to get() or pass the functions directly.
- √ consolidate with isCallTo()
- [need to do rstatic] that mixes rstatic and language objects. Add to language part but should update rstatic part also.
- √ [check] Handle pkg::foo and pkg:::foo cases for indirect, e.g. do.call(base::rbind)
- √ when processing a call, check if isCallTo(x, OneOfTheseFunctions) and if so, is the FUN argument (or corresponding argument) a call to the target functions.
- fix isIndirectCall to determine how we resolve a function name.
getFunctionDefs() - have it find functions in setMethod(), i.e. the fun in the setMethod(meth, sig, fun)
- √ already works with recursive = TRUE.
- perhaps put better name on "these" (what ?) methods and generics.
- need state, or ability to go back up tree.
circular references in parameters
- find parameters with default values that refer to local variables and check if the parameter is used before those local variables are created.
- See explorations/findSelfRef.R.
fix callGraph(fun) and the name used is obj. (meaning what??).
- obj is the name of the first argument.
implement findOS()/mkOSWalker for finding code that depends on the platform/OS
- if ( os ) {} else {}
- use of .Platform$field
Fix mkGlobalsLocal() to optionally not add a default value to a parameter e.g. not replace Jvar with .Jvar = Jvar
Have mkGlobalsLocal() return the entire list, not just the ones that were changed. Make this an option.
mkGlobalsLocal() not changing references inside return() clause. See rstatic probably.
for loop concatenation, rewrite the code. We need type information about the elements to be able to initialize the answer vector.
[low priority] code analysis example (unrelated to highlighting, just the example)
- highlight package getStyleFile() has
if (grepl(sprintf("%s$", extension, ignore.case = TRUE), name))
- the ignore.case is in the call to sprintf() and the command gives a warning about ignoring an argument to sprintf.
- The ignore.case should be outside the sprintf() and in the call to grepl()
- but since sprintf() has ... it is ambiguous, but not really
- check whether a named argument in a call makes sense in the parent call.
[check/robustify] isAssignTo - make it handle complex left hand side.
- √ Look at the function isComplexAssignTo. Make more robust.
- See foo in tests/findAssignsTo.R.
- Uses isAssignTo
- So currently just checks if the LHS is the symbol.
- add a version of this that handles complex assignments.
- problem is
x$y <- value
is a call to$<-
(x, y) and misses value. Need to go back up the tree.- But actually
x$y <-value
is parsed as<-(x$y, value)
- But actually
- findAssignsTo(findCallsTo, "isEnv") doesn't find the assignment in the if condition.
- old todo item and findCallsTo code no longer has isEnv
- but issue is probably if( isEnv <- is.environment(x))
- findAssignsTo2 seems to work.
findCallsTo and findCallsToFunctions - check if should consolidate/remove one
same with getAllCalls
- did we resolve this already?
Allow control of reporting non-local variables in nested functions.
- might be useful for identifying which variables could be passed to the function instead of just referencing them from the enclosing environment. This would help with moving a nested function outside of its parent function for reuse and better testing (assuming it isn't updating these variables via <<-).
√ [tests/getGlobalsSkipCalls.R] See skip in getGlobals() so can avoid NSE functions such as until() and friends in GSPAutoTest.
√ Check substitute() calls for non-local variables in the expression that are in the second argument.
- see GSPAutoTest/checkGlobals.R
- √ For substitute(), process the second argument and ignore the first
- √ For quote(), just skip the single argument
- √ For bquote,
- process the where and splice arguments if present.
- if where is specified, don't process the first argument as we statically don't know what variables will be in that "environment"
- if where is not present, find the calls to .() and ..() in the first argument and process each of them.
- see tests/substitute.R
if(cond) warning else stop
detects warning, but not stop, as a global variable.- this is correct in the case because stop() was already identified as a function in an earlier expression in the body of the function. This is in GSPAutoTest.
in GSPAutoTest::getDriver() - reports remoteDriver as a global variable. Allow caller to specify what is available in the imports/search path.- availableVars
equivalent to rstatic::find_nodes
- Do we have such a function already?
If add a parameter to a function, what calls do we need to change.
- See R/addParam.R
- did this recently, so finalize and make easy to use.
- example, isLHS and envir in function isIndirectCall
√ getInputFiles and getOutputFiles and getGraphicOutputFiles
- process the correct argument in the call.
√ getGraphicsOutputFiles and for Output functions.
- make getGraphicsDevFuns()
√ listReadDataFuns() and listWriteDataFuns() - allow return a list if any elements have a different number
listWriteDataFuns( myWrite = c("a", "b"))
currently myWrite1 and myWrite2 elements rather than a single element.
Don't break the other uses of the primitive function underlying this.
√ callGraph(".") for CodeAnalysis/R gives an error
cannot change value of locked binding for 'isAssignReturn
- trying to source() the code into an environment but the setGeneric is not given the target environment.
- fix the environment for setGeneric/setMethod or
- √ provide setGeneric/setMethod in the environment so these are called instead of the ones in
- √ put the functions into the target namespace or a list.
√ If a function has a literal externalptr inlined, then getGlobals() fails in lapply(els, fun, w)
- Seems okay
p = new('externalptr')
f = function() return(x)
body(f)[[2]] = p
g = function() { if(x < 0) y else p}
body(g)[[2]][[4]] = p
g = function(a = 1) { if(x < 0) y else p}
formals(g)$a = p
[check] Make code walkers - optionally - skip descending into if(FALSE) expressions.
- but do process if(TRUE) and the else part of if(FALSE) {} else {... }
- √√ Done for mkCallWalkerPred
- Done for the other code walker generators and top-level functions that call them
- and updated Rd files.
√ Check uses of isAssignTo/isSimpleAssignTo and ensure they are okay with the check the RHS is a name, not a complex LHS.
- Split this into isAssignTo and isSimpleAssignTo and isComplexAssignTo and isAssignTo() is an ||
of calls to the two specific ones.
- Could be more efficient.
- Checked where they were used and made this change.
- Split this into isAssignTo and isSimpleAssignTo and isComplexAssignTo and isAssignTo() is an ||
of calls to the two specific ones.
√ in findCallsTo(), if parse fails, make it happen silently.
findFunctionDefs()/getFunctionDefs() doesn't handle name = name2 = function() ...
- √ getFunctionDefs() gets it right for tests/chainedAssigns.
- findFunctionDefs() returns list.
- Old
- only captures name and not name2
- e.g. RDCOMEvents/eventServer.S
- shouldn't need recursive = TRUE to find name in name = name2 = function() ..
- works now, but not with recursive = TRUE
Re. above - should we get rid of findFunctionDefs()
- √ fixed - getFunctionDefs() doesn't know about Vectorize/vectorize
- √ getFunctionDefs() knows about (top-level) if(FALSE)
- see
- see
Fix message from getGlobals
In procIndirectFunCall(e, funName) :
cannot currently determine function in empty call to match.call. That uses the context of the call.1
see base::autoloader
- findSelfRef.R and running on all packages to reproduce issue.
remove this message. It occurs with calls to match.call() and formals() with no arguments. There are no variables there - global or local.
√ false positive for global variables in R CMD check for textConnection("bob", "w", local = TRUE); bob
- This is an R issue.
- √ We can make getGlobals() understand it.
removeAfterReturn should work recursively to process blocks within functions.
remove unused parameters - see findUnusedArgs/findUnusedParams. also unusedParams
remove unused assignments if we can tell there are no side effects of the RHS.
- Vectorize
- Yes getFunctionDefs() - after changes
- Yes findFunctionDefs()
- chained assigns x = y = function
- Yes getFunctionDefs()
- if(FALSE)
- Yes getFunctionDefs()
- setGeneric
- No getFunctionDefs()
- setMethod()
- No getFunctionDefs()
- handle different types of inputs
- √ - overall: √ filename, √ directory name, √ environment, √ list, √ function, call, ....??
- Yes getFunctionDefs()
- recursively process functions to find subfunctions
- Yes if given a function, file, expression.
- recursively follow source() commands
- No.
findFunctionDefs picks up x$fun = function which is not necessarily good
- In tests/ directory
z = getFunctionDefs("getFunctionDefsEg2.R") # file
z3 = getFunctionDefs(".") # directory
e = new.env(); source("getFunctionDefsEg2.R", e); ze = getFunctionDefs(e) # environment
z4 = getFunctionDefs(as.list.environment(e, TRUE)) # list
getFunctionDefs(z4$rec) # function object
getFunctionDefs(quote(function(x) x + 1)) # call
getFunctionDefs(quote(x <- function(x) x + 1)) # assignment call
z = getFunctionDefs("getFunctionDefsEg2.R", recursive = TRUE)
e = parse("getFunctionDefsEg2.R")
z2 = getFunctionDefs(e)
z2r = getFunctionDefs(e, recursive = TRUE)