description |
Examples of how to interact with sei-chain through Go. |
Here's an example from our loadtest client, it builds the transaction, sets the gas and fee limits and then signs it in Go
func (c *LoadTestClient) BuildTxs() (workgroups []*sync.WaitGroup, sendersList [][]func()) {
accountIdentifier := fmt.Sprint(account)
accountKeyPath := c.SignerClient.GetTestAccountKeyPath(uint64(account))
key := c.SignerClient.GetKey(accountIdentifier, "test", accountKeyPath)
msgs, failureExpected, signer, gas, fee := c.generateMessage(config, key, config.MsgsPerTx)
txBuilder := TestConfig.TxConfig.NewTxBuilder()
_ = txBuilder.SetMsgs(msgs...)
seqDelta := uint64(i / 2)
mode := typestx.BroadcastMode_BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC
if j == len(activeAccounts)-1 {
mode = typestx.BroadcastMode_BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK
sender := SendTx(signer, &txBuilder, mode, seqDelta, failureExpected, *c, gas, fee)
func SendTx(
key cryptotypes.PrivKey,
txBuilder *client.TxBuilder,
mode typestx.BroadcastMode,
seqDelta uint64,
failureExpected bool,
loadtestClient LoadTestClient,
gas uint64,
fee int64,
) func() {
sdk.NewCoin("usei", sdk.NewInt(fee)),
loadtestClient.SignerClient.SignTx(loadtestClient.ChainID, txBuilder, key, seqDelta)
func (sc *SignerClient) SignTx(chainID string, txBuilder *client.TxBuilder, privKey cryptotypes.PrivKey, seqDelta uint64) {
var sigsV2 []signing.SignatureV2
signerInfo := sc.GetAccountNumberSequenceNumber(privKey)
accountNum := signerInfo.AccountNumber
seqNum := signerInfo.SequenceNumber
seqNum += seqDelta
sigV2 := signing.SignatureV2{
PubKey: privKey.PubKey(),
Data: &signing.SingleSignatureData{
SignMode: TestConfig.TxConfig.SignModeHandler().DefaultMode(),
Signature: nil,
Sequence: seqNum,
sigsV2 = append(sigsV2, sigV2)
_ = (*txBuilder).SetSignatures(sigsV2...)
sigsV2 = []signing.SignatureV2{}
signerData := xauthsigning.SignerData{
ChainID: chainID,
AccountNumber: accountNum,
Sequence: seqNum,
sigV2, _ = clienttx.SignWithPrivKey(
sigsV2 = append(sigsV2, sigV2)
_ = (*txBuilder).SetSignatures(sigsV2...)
This is another example from the loadtest client where it takes a list of TX Hashes and verifies the responses concurrently.
func (c *LoadTestClient) ValidateTxs() {
defer c.Close()
numTxs := len(c.TxHashList)
resultChan := make(chan *types.TxResponse, numTxs)
var waitGroup sync.WaitGroup
if numTxs == 0 {
for _, txHash := range c.TxHashList {
go func(txHash string) {
defer waitGroup.Done()
resultChan <- c.GetTxResponse(txHash)
go func() {
fmt.Printf("Validating %d Transactions... \n", len(c.TxHashList))
notCommittedTxs := 0
responseCodeMap := map[int]int{}
responseStringMap := map[string]int{}
for result := range resultChan {
// If the result is nil then that means the transaction was not committed
if result == nil {
code := result.Code
codeString := "ok"
if code != 0 {
codespace := result.Codespace
error := sdkerrors.ABCIError(codespace, code, fmt.Sprintf("Error code=%d ", code))
codeString = error.Error()
fmt.Printf("Transactions not committed: %d\n", notCommittedTxs)
pp.Printf("Response Code Mapping: \n %s \n", responseStringMap)
for reason, count := range responseStringMap {
IncrTxProcessCode(reason, count)
Here's an example from our oracle price-feeder, it listens to new height event from a chain running on the same host as the Oracle price-feeder service.
package client
import (
tmrpcclient ""
tmtypes ""
var (
started = false
queryEventNewBlockHeader = tmtypes.QueryForEvent(tmtypes.EventNewBlockHeaderValue)
queryInterval = 20 * time.Millisecond
// HeightUpdater is used to provide the updates of the latest chain
// It starts a goroutine to subscribe to new block event and send the latest block height to the channel
type HeightUpdater struct {
Logger zerolog.Logger
LastHeight int64
ChBlockHeight chan int64
// Start will start a new goroutine subscribed to EventNewBlockHeader.
func (heightUpdater HeightUpdater) Start(
ctx context.Context,
rpcClient tmrpcclient.Client,
logger zerolog.Logger,
) error {
if !started {
if err := rpcClient.Start(ctx); err != nil {
return err
go heightUpdater.subscribe(ctx, rpcClient, logger)
started = true
return nil
// subscribe listens to new blocks being made
// and updates the chain height.
func (heightUpdater HeightUpdater) subscribe(
ctx context.Context,
eventsClient tmrpcclient.EventsClient,
logger zerolog.Logger,
) {
for {
eventData, err := tmrpcclient.WaitForOneEvent(ctx, eventsClient, queryEventNewBlockHeader.String())
if err != nil {
logger.Debug().Err(err).Msg("Failed to query EventNewBlockHeader")
eventDataNewBlockHeader, ok := eventData.(tmtypes.EventDataNewBlockHeader)
if !ok {
logger.Err(err).Msg("Failed to parse event from eventDataNewBlockHeader")
} else {
eventHeight := eventDataNewBlockHeader.Header.Height
if eventHeight > heightUpdater.LastHeight {
logger.Info().Msg(fmt.Sprintf("Received new Chain Height: %d", eventHeight))
heightUpdater.LastHeight = eventHeight
if len(heightUpdater.ChBlockHeight) < 1 {
heightUpdater.ChBlockHeight <- eventHeight
} else {
// skip this block height since price feeder is still sending previous transaction
logger.Info().Msg(fmt.Sprintf("Skipped Block Height: %d due to in progress tx", eventHeight))