Releases: dudu-ltd/star-shadow-package
Releases · dudu-ltd/star-shadow-package
- 【新功能】图可视化支持关闭节点位置移动,并可拖拽节点,手动调整节点位置
- 【新功能】图可视化支持使用字段值作为节点图片展示
- 【新功能】图可视化选中节点后,展示数据节点数据面板
- 【新功能】图可视化支持在触发节点点击时,使用表格分页加载邻居节点
- 【新功能】图可视化布局支持前进后退,控制加载邻居节点
- 【新功能】图可视化布局算法支持调整布局参数
- 【新功能】图可视化支持通过节点类型、边类型控制节点、关系的显示隐藏
- 【新功能】在主界面左下角新增【快速开始】,支持在左下角的入口创建标签、关系、查询
- 【新功能】部分日志功能:用户目录/.star_shadow/logs/日期.log
- 【优化】提高schema导航关闭节点的性能
- 【优化】打开软件时,窗口自动最大化
- 【优化】图可视化浮框数据面板添加 tag 名称
- 【优化】图可视化展示,文字控制在10个字
- 【修复】图可视化中,当节点数量较多时,整个展示区域崩溃成黑屏的问题
- 【修复】 修复关系名含有运算符,打开出错的问题
- 【修复】 修复设置页在查看许可证后的国际化错误问题
- 【修复】 修复【美化代码】中
的问题 - 【修复】 浅色模式下,markdown 文档内容文字颜色显示出错问题
- 【修复】 登录过期,未移除登录状态的问题
- [Feature] Graph visualization supports closing node position movement, and dragging nodes, manually adjusting node position.
- [Feature] Graph visualization supports using field values as node image display.
- [Feature] Graph visualization displays the data node data panel after selecting the node.
- [Feature] Graph visualization supports using table paging to load neighboring nodes when triggering node clicks.
- [Feature] Graph visualization layout supports forward and backward, controlling the loading of neighboring nodes.
- [Feature] Graph visualization layout algorithm supports adjusting layout parameters.
- [Feature] Graph visualization supports controlling the display and hiding of nodes and relationships by node type and edge type.
- [Feature] Add 【Quick Start】 in the lower left corner of the main interface, support creating tags, relationships, and queries in the lower left corner.
- [Feature] Partial log function: user directory/.star_shadow/logs/date.log.
- [Optimization] Improve the performance of closing nodes in the schema navigation.
- [Optimization] When opening the software, the window is automatically maximized.
- [Optimization] Add tag name to the floating data panel of the graph visualization.
- [Optimization] Graph visualization display, text control within 10 characters.
- [Fix] In the graph visualization, when there are many nodes, the entire display area collapses into a black screen.
- [Fix] Fixed the problem that the relationship name contains operators and cannot be opened.
- [Fix] Fixed the internationalization error in the settings page after viewing the license.
- [Fix] Fixed the problem that
is formatted as=
in theFormat
code function. - [Fix] In light mode, the text color of the markdown document content is displayed incorrectly.
- [Fix] The problem of expiration of login, and the login status is not removed.
- 【新功能】新增GitHub发布仓库的入口(摊牌了,就是求star求watch的)
- 【新功能】主窗口页签的关闭功能,在v1.1.0的基础上支持关闭右侧、关闭其他页签
- 【新功能】增加查询时编写脚本的代码补全功能
- 【新功能】编写查询脚本时,代码补全中涉及的函数使用,支持直接跳转数据库产品官网查看文档
- 【新功能】编写查询脚本时,支持右键菜单执行脚本
- 【新功能】编写查询脚本时,支持多行快捷注释
- 【新功能】编写查询脚本时,支持代码查找功能
- 【新功能】编写查询脚本时,...(更多快捷键功能可参考reqable/re-editor)
- 【操作习惯变更】查询功能
- 【操作习惯变更】查询功能
- 【操作习惯变更】取消
打开文件菜单的快捷键 - 【优化】重构代码编辑器,提高查询脚本编写时整体性能,并引入上述的诸多功能
- 【优化】统一不同组件的字体,使用【阿里普惠体】
- 【优化】导航树节点操作相关后,树结构更新的及时性问题
- 【优化】
按钮的样式问题,使用危险色进行标识 - 【优化】图可视化追加方向性
- 【优化】图可视化,边的起止点位置设置在节点中心,提升视觉体验
- 【修复】图可视化有时出现崩溃的问题
- 【修复】执行计划可视化中的任务节点重叠问题
- 【修复】查询文件重命名,文件名后缀引发的导航树节点丢失问题
- 【修复】schema 导航树元素删除时后,打开的页签未移除问题
- 【修复】修复添加连接使用默认连接的产生的错误问题
- 【修复】查询结果表格,页码与序号出错的问题
- 【修复】desc space 语法未识别的问题
- [Feature] Add entry to GitHub release repository. (It's time to ask for stars and watches)
- [Feature] The close function of the main window tab, on the basis of v1.1.0, supports closing the right side and closing other tabs.
- [Feature] Add code completion function when writing scripts for queries.
- [Feature] When writing query scripts, automatically prompt the use of functions involved in code completion, and support direct jump to the official website of the .database product to view the documentation.
- [Feature] When writing query scripts, support right-click menu to execute scripts.
- [Feature] When writing query scripts, support multi-line quick comment
. - [Feature] When writing query scripts, support code search function
. - [Feature] When writing query scripts, ... (For more shortcut key functions, please refer to reqable/re-editor).
- [Operation Habit Change] The shortcut key
for the query functionRun
is not available, changed toAlt+R
. - [Operation Habit Change] The shortcut key for the query function
is changed toAlt+L
. - [Operation Habit Change] Cancel the shortcut key
to open the file menu. - [Optimization] Refactor the code editor to improve the overall performance when writing query scripts, and introduce many of the above functions.
- [Optimization] Unified fonts of different components, using [Ali Pu Hui Ti].
- [Optimization] The timeliness of tree structure update after navigation tree node operation.
- [Optimization] The style problem of the
button is marked with a dangerous color. - [Optimization] Append directionality to graph visualization.
- [Optimization] In the graph visualization, the starting and ending points of the edge are set in the center of the node to improve the visual experience.
- [Fix] Overlapping problem of task nodes in execution plan visualization.
- [Fix] Query file renaming, file name suffix causes the loss of navigation tree nodes.
- [Fix] After deleting the schema navigation tree element, the opened tab is not removed.
- [Fix] Fixed the error caused by adding a connection using the default connection.
- [Fix] The problem of incorrect page number and serial number in the query result table.
- [Fix] The problem that the desc space syntax is not recognized.
- 【新功能】可视化支持配置节点名称所使用的字段。支持节点颜色配置
- 【新功能】在标签跟关系的数据表格视图中,支持切换至图可视化视图
- 【新功能】数据表格的分页加载模式修改成使用分页按钮的加载方式
- 【新功能】tag、edge数据值在表格内直接修改
- 【新功能】评论支持修改
- 【新功能】查询文件支持在资源管理器中打开
- 【新功能】追加数据源的主区域,支持添加主机
- 【新功能】全平台增加试用功能
- 【新功能】支持快速关闭多个页签
- 【新功能】修复运行脚本时表格数据未及时更新的问题
- 【新功能】反馈模块追加条件过滤功能
- 【新功能】在数据表格中,支持多标签节点单独删除某个标签
- 【优化】图可视化组件美化,兼容浅色主题
- 【优化】修改登录界面,去掉登录视频,压缩安装包大小
- 【优化】优化表格 单元格的选中体验
- 【优化】避免了切换标签页时,页面刷新的问题
- 【优化】刷新界面时,避免二次查询
- 【修复】反馈模块,不是自己的评论时,不显示"..."
- 【修复】修复标签页关闭,存在其他页签未加载完成的进度条
- 【修复】含有换行
的长文本的数据更新问题 - 【修复】部分多标签节点在表格数据下展示出错问题
- 【修复】解决节点多标签时,空值与无标签无法区分的问题
- 【修复】导入不支持时间类型的问题
- 【修复】返回值列名不能为中文的问题
- 【修复】点边schema经过编辑后,表格数据刷新无相应变动的问题
- 【修复】修复字段重命名导致数据丢失问题。(不再支持重命名)
- 【修复】无法打开标签,关系,查询文件的问题
- 【修复】试用功能的勾选隐私政策与服务条款检查
- 【修复】修复查询文件重命名,参数未同步问题
- 【文档】增加关于商业许可的说明
- [Feature] Visualization supports configuring the field used for node names. Support node color configuration
- [Feature] In the data table view of tags and relationships, support switching to the graph visualization view
- [Feature] The paging loading mode of the data table is changed to use the paging button loading method
- [Feature] tag, edge data values can be directly modified in the table
- [Feature] Comments support modification
- [Feature] Query files support opening in the resource manager
- [Feature] Append the main area of the data source, support adding hosts
- [Feature] Trial function added to all platforms
- [Feature] Support quickly closing multiple tabs
- [Feature] Fixed the problem that the table data was not updated in time when running the script
- [Feature] Feedback module adds condition filtering function
- [Feature] In the data table, support deleting a single tag from a multi-tag node
- [Optimization] Beautify the graph visualization component and compatible with light theme
- [Optimization] Modify the login interface, remove the login video, and compress the installation package size
- [Optimization] Optimize the selection experience of table cells
- [Optimization] Avoid the problem of page refresh when switching tabs
- [Optimization] Avoid secondary queries when refreshing the interface
- [Fix] Feedback module, when it is not your own comment, do not display "..."
- [Fix] Fixed the problem that the progress bar of other tabs was not loaded when closing the tag page
- [Fix] Data update problem of long text containing line breaks
- [Fix] Some multi-tag nodes are displayed incorrectly in the table data
- [Fix] Solve the problem that empty values and no tags cannot be distinguished when there are multiple tags on the node
- [Fix] The problem of importing unsupported time types
- [Fix] The column name of the return value cannot be Chinese
- [Fix] After editing the point-edge schema, the table data refreshes without corresponding changes
- [Fix] Fixed the problem of data loss caused by renaming fields. (No longer support renaming)
- [Fix] The problem that tags, relationships, and query files cannot be opened
- [Fix] Check the privacy policy and terms of service when using the trial function
- [Fix] Fixed the problem that the query file was renamed and the parameters were not synchronized
- [Document] Add an explanation about commercial licenses
- 【新功能】图数据展示支持使用 多维表头的表格
- 【新功能】集成图可视化插件,并在编写查询时支持图可视化
- 【新功能】使用导航树的方式便捷操作与管理Schema
- 【新功能】路径格式数据可视化
- 【新功能】子图数据使用表格中的单元格触发弹窗式的内内嵌表格展示
- 【新功能】支持使用 CSV 进行数据导入
- 【新功能】支持使用 CSV 的表头快速创建 Schema
- 【新功能】支持对单表(标签表、关系表)的数据进行增删改查
- 【新功能】支持个人用户使用微信支付的成为我们的个人赞助商
- ...
- [Feature] Graph data display supports using tables with multi-dimensional headers
- [Feature] Integrated graph visualization plug-in, and support graph visualization when writing queries
- [Feature] Conveniently operate and manage Schema using the navigation tree
- [Feature] Path format data visualization
- [Feature] Subgraph data uses a cell in the table to trigger a pop-up embedded table display
- [Feature] Support data import using CSV
- [Feature] Support quickly creating Schema with CSV headers
- [Feature] Support adding, deleting, modifying, and querying data for a single table (tag table, relationship table)
- [Feature] Support individual users to use WeChat payment to become our personal sponsor
- ...