This module will help provision an managed instance group on GCP with Terraform
This module will:
- Create a instance template
- Create a managed instance group with created instance template
- Adding default service account, and roles for service account
Attentions: There are two ways to set image for instance template, you could use your own image, or base image on GCP. To use base image, please define family_image and project_image_id as example below. Otherwise, you must set image by use source_image.
module "instance-group" {
source = ""
gcp_project = "driven-stage-269911"
gcp_region = "asia-southeast1"
gcp_network = "gcp-network"
gcp_subnetwork = "gcp-subnetwork"`
name = "my-instance-group"
tags = "my-instance-group"
description = "my instance group have 3 instances installed ubuntu 1804 os"
machine_type = "n1-standard-1"
family_image = "debian-9"
project_image_id = "debian-cloud"
target_size = 3
startup_script = "gs://my-gcs-bucket/scripts/"
shutdown_script = "gs://my-gcs-bucket/scripts/"
root_volume_disk_size_gb = 50
root_volume_disk_type = "pd-ssd"
members = [""]
terraform plan
terraform apply --auto-approve