diff --git a/static/index.html b/static/index.html
index 1bc607f..7feecf0 100644
--- a/static/index.html
+++ b/static/index.html
@@ -256,9 +256,9 @@
SCOOP Framework
SCOOP-UI Features
- - Single Resource Input: When a single source is given as input, e.g., a data schema, an ontology or a set of mapping rules, the application automatically triggers the corresponding shapes extraction component to directly generate the corresponding SHACL shapes.
+ - Single Rile Input: When a single file is given as input, e.g., a data schema, an ontology or a set of mapping rules, the application automatically triggers the corresponding shapes extraction component to directly generate the corresponding SHACL shapes.
- - Multiple Resources Inputs: When multiple resources are given as input, the application invokes the corresponding shape extraction components to extract the shapes and shape integration module to integrate the shapes.
+ - Multiple Files Inputs: When multiple files are given as input, the application invokes the corresponding shape extraction components to extract the shapes and shape integration module to integrate the extracted shapes.
- Multiple SHACL Shapes Inputs: While SCOOP is designed to accommodate various input resources, this application isolates the integration module of SCOOP to enable the support for integrating multiple inputs of SHACL shapes.
@@ -281,6 +281,19 @@ How to Use
Generate Output: Click the translate and integrate button to generate.
+ - Duan, X., Chaves-Fraga, D., Derom, O., Dimou, A.: SCOOP all the Constraints’
+ Flavours for your Knowledge Graph. In: Proceedings of the 21st Extended Semantic
+ Web Conference (ESWC) (2024)
+ - Duan, X., Chaves-Fraga, D., Dimou, A.: SCOOP-UI:
+ SHACL Shape Extraction in Just a Click!. In: Proceedings of the 21st Extended Semantic
+ Web Conference (ESWC): Posters and Demos (2024)