This is an easy-to-use tutorial for accessing SNOMED APIs within 5 min.
top-level: aggregator for sub-modules (alphabetically):
- csharp-examples: examples with csharp (.net)
- curl-examples: examples with curl
- java-examples: examples with java
- javascript-examples: examples with javascript
- model: JAXB-enabled classes for representing the RF2 domain model
- python3-examples: examples with python
- rest-client: a Java client for the REST services
- rest-client-csharp: a CSharp client for the REST services
The following examples will be used to demonstrate accessing the SNOMED API through CSharp, Javascript, Curl, and Java (using Jersey).
- Find a concept by a string (e.g. "heart attack")
- Find/get a concept by a description SCTID (e.g. "679406011")
- Find/get a concept by a concept SCTID (e.g. "109152007")
- Find a concept by a string (e.g. "heart") but only in the Procedures semantic tag
All of the examples use a hard coded URL, edition name, and version number which point to a server hosted by IHTSDO ( These are the APIs that back the IHTSDO browser (
- baseUrl =
- edition = en-edition
- version = 20160131
Find comprehensive documentation here: TBD
- SNOMED CT Snapshot REST API: (REST documentation here
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request
See the included LICENSE.txt file.
- 'supporting registration for a British GP' (i.e. searching within the GP/FP reference set & the UK language reference set)
- 'deriving ICD-10 codes from registered SNOMED concepts (i.e. retrieving all entries of a SNOMED-concept from the ICD-10 extended mapping reference set)