- Initial commit
- Reload funcionality
- Reload style if a new stylesheet is selected
- Select last used stylesheet as default
- Established CTRL+R shortcut for reloading the file
- Changed from WebKit1 to WebKit2 since WebKit1 did not support printing
- Added a print button to the UI
- Added a keyboard shortcut to print
- Implemented a print method to print the webview's content
- Added an information dialog to inform the user that the data has been sent to the printer
- As we have new functions available, I decided to go a minor version up to v1.1 and released the application out of beta.
- Implemented the possibility to load data from Files or from parameters
- Implemented error checking on the existence of a file
- Edited .desktop file to include the MimeType and %F option, see https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s06.html
- The popup will now close as soon as a different stylesheet is selected
- Mistune library has been updated, so I've updated the minimum requirements as well.
- The Mistune update brings support of checkboxes
- Added *.mkd as admissible extension
- Included a proposed .desktop file
- Included the neccessary configuration files
- Added an about box (F1)