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03 Additional features

drzdo edited this page Oct 5, 2023 · 3 revisions

Custom ACE Fortify

There is a custom ACE Fortify configuration:

  • No budget
  • Big enough list of objects to place

Everything placed is persistent.

Example of a garrisoned house that is a good defence position:

All objects in the ACE Fortify list:

Flag on vehicles

<missionfolder>\Functions\zdo\flag\flag.jpg will be automatically assigned to ACE Rallypoint for independent faction.

While looking at a vehicle, a player can ACE Self-Interact to put this flag on a vehicle.


Portable flag pole

Players can place a portable flag pole using ACE Fortify.


Using ACE Self-Interaction (while looking on the flag pole) the flag can be set, raised or lowered.

Raise the flag to make the game more epic! Time to play music through the mic.

Blood splatter

For each kill, a simpleobject is created with a blood splatter. Basically, when the next mission is started, every player is going to see where the most kills were on the map.

Example of a fight in Livonia (left) and how it looks like (right) when it was saved, loaded to 3den and then opened in a new mission based on that save:


Destroyed buildings

The fact that building is destroyed is also persistent:


Automatic setting of the TFAR SW frequency

When player respawns, likely the first thing will be interaction with closest zdo_arsenal and picking a kit.

And then player has to set frequency on a TFAR radio. It is cool to do first three times, but soon it becomes a chore.

The solution is: when arsenal is closed, the taken TFAR radio is reset to the frequency marked on the map. The map marker should start with Freq SW and then goes the frequency:

Freq SW 53.4

Making slightly wounded on respawn

The idea is to make respawns slightly more harsh. When player gets respawned, random wounds are applied to some body parts.


Not a big gameplay change though, but may make some players who tend to respawn more often do it less frequently.