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Linking a Custom Build of Dronekit Android to an Android Project (Android Studio)

Gamma-Software edited this page Jun 30, 2016 · 6 revisions
  1. Build your modified version of Dronekit-Android Build > Rebuild Project.
    (If this fails you may want to try doing a clean build Build > Clean Project)
  2. After you have rebuilt your project copy the dronekit-android.x.x.x.aar file located in your build/outputs/aar folder.
  3. Next paste dronekit-android.x.x.x.aar from the outputs folder of Dronekit-Android in the libs folder of the Android project you want to use it with.
  4. Open the build.gradle file located in your Android and add the line compile(name:'dronekit-android.x.x.x', ext:'aar') to your list of dependencies and delete any previous Dronekit-Android dependencies (ie. compile dronekit-android:x.x.x).
  5. Finally when Android Studio prompts you click the Sync Now button. Now you can use your custom version of Dronekit-Android.
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