BOSS (Barangay Online Service System) is a comprehensive system designed to facilitate various services within a barangay online. It simplifies and centralizes processes for community services, aiming to streamline interactions between residents and the local government. This is a project developed as part of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Database Management Systems (DBMS) coursework. It aims to offer a comprehensive online platform for various barangay services.
- Admin portal for barangay officials to manage services
- Residents portal
- Real-time tracking: Residents can track the progress of their appointment status.
- Document management: Residents can download forms.
- Database integration for efficient data handling
- Barangay officials: BOSS provides barangay officials with a centralized platform to manage service requests and track appointments.
- Residents: BOSS empowers residents to access essential services conveniently and efficiently from the comfort of their own homes.
- Programming Languages: Python, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT
- Database: MySQL
- Other tools: Visual Studio Code
1. Setup and start XAMPP:
- Open XAMPP control panel.
- Start Apache and MySQL services.
2. Import database:
- Download the barangay_official.sql file.
- Open phpMyAdmin in your web browser (usually http://localhost/phpmyadmin/).
- Create a database named barangay_official.
- Import the barangay_official.sql file into the newly created database.
3. Install dependencies:
- Open a command prompt or terminal.
- Run the following command to install the required MySQL connector:
pip install mysql-connector-python
4. Run the application:
- Open Visual Studio Code.
- Open the file.
- In your terminal, navigate to the directory containing the file.
- Run the following command to start the application:
5. Explore the system:
- Open your web browser and navigate to
- This should take you to the login page.
- Explore the different features and functionalities of the system.
Additional notes:
- Make sure XAMPP and MySQL are running before attempting to run the application.
- Ensure you have downloaded the correct database file and imported it into the appropriate database.
Enjoy your experience with BOSS!
- Barican, John Andrei A.
- Guinoban, Glenn M.
- Lalongisip, Darlyne Grace M.
- Magnaye, James Michael D.
- Zamora, Clarence C.
This project was developed as a collaborative effort for an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Database Management Systems (DBMS) course.