Welcome to the Darwin Section Grade 12 STEM Alumni Website! This website is dedicated to the alumni of the Darwin Section from the recent graduating batch of 2023-2024. Here, you can relive your memories of graduation and celebrate your achievements.
- View Graduation Photos: Browse through a collection of graduation photos capturing the memorable moments of your graduation day.
- Student Achievements Sidebar: Click on your graduation photo to view a sidebar showcasing the achievements you received or obtained during your time in Grade 12 STEM.
- Visit the Darwin Section Grade 12 STEM Alumni Website hosted at Darwin's Memoir: Class of '24.
- Navigate to the "Gallery" section to view the graduation photos.
- Click on your graduation photo to reveal the sidebar showcasing your achievements.
- JavaScript
Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, feature requests, or bug reports, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
Note: This website is purely for educational and personal use purposes. It is not affiliated with any educational institution or organization.