Very often we need to create a ticket in Redmine which will contain a list of "What we're going to deploy". This tool will help you to create such a ticket very fast.
The tickets which will be deployed must be assigned to a "Deployment" group in Redmine.
- Clone or download this repository
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- (optional) If you're using Windows 10 run
pip install -r requirements-win.txt
That's all, you're ready to configure your Ticket Creator.
- Open
- Add a proper information to required variables. For examlple - if you have only 2 Deployment Groups - for Preprod and Prod servers you can just delete
rows. - If you have httpAuth in your Redmine - switch
var toTrue
and enter username and password to variables below. - That's all, you're about to start!
To execute program you need to run command:
Select required environment you're going to deploy.
You'll see list of tickets you have assigned to required depoyment group.
If you will select "y/yes" the deployment ticket will be created after that and you'll see the link to it.
If you select "n/no" - program will be finished, no tickets will be created.
Please feel free to create an issue and advise what functionality also could be added and will be helpful. Thanks!