- Set all theme or color profiles to light to make screensharing more legible
terraform destroy
any existing infra.- Remove any state files or dependencies before presentation. This is to show the process of initializing providers and creating local state.
- rm .terraform
- Log in to AWS sandbox account
AWS local config
- show documented config setup with named profiles
- show env var for terraform with AWS_PROFILE
- show env var for app name so that multiple devs can use sandbox simultaneously
Initial setup
- show terraform files before initialization
- run
terraform init
- show files created
Hello World lambda
- Add lambda without environment or depends_on loggroup
- Add lambda-role with just permission to assume role
terraform apply
- Test in AWS UI with sample event
- Will have link to logs that don't exist.
Hello World lambda with logs
- Add lambda-logs
- Add aws_identity
- Add to lambda: depends_on loggroup
- Add to lambda-role: policy for log group
terraform apply
- Test in AWS UI with sample event
- Will have link to logs that should now exist.
Hello World web app with API Gateway
- Start web app locally to demonstrate expectations
- Deploy web app
- Add apigateway
- Add apigateway-stage without logging
terraform apply
- Get invoke URL from API Gateway Stages UI
- Request invoke_url/hello?name=Andrew
With API Gateway logging
- Uncomment access_log_settings and depends_on in aws_api_gateway_stage
- Add apigateway-logs
terraform apply
- Make request and find gateway access logs using api ID
With cloud-only service
- show insufficient privileges both on cloud and local
- Add private-lambda
- Uncomment lambda environment that has private arn
terraform apply
- Copy private_lambda_arn terraform output to env var in .envrc.development
- in ./app:
. .envrc.development
npm run start-local
- Request http://localhost:3000/private?name=Andrew
- Should respond with success and random number in payload
- Deploy web app
- Request production private path
- should respond with error
- show discrepancy with local results and explain need to align these results
- Add local-app
- NOT aws_lambda_permission yet
terraform apply
- get role_arn output and add to env var for local app
- show new local error due to insufficient privileges, which is expected and what we want
- fix permissions
- Add aws_lambda_permission in local-app
- Refresh page for local
- show local success
- Add to lambda-role: aws_lambda_permission for private function
- show insufficient privileges both on cloud and local