title |
How to set up data quality monitoring and data observability for Amazon Athena |
Data observability and data monitoring for Amazon Athena. Detect schema changes, data anomalies, volume fluctuations, and other data quality issues.
Amazon Athena is a serverless, interactive analytics service built on open-source frameworks, that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL.
To add Athena data source connection to DQOps you need the following:
- An AWS account
- An S3 bucket where the data will be written
- An AWS Lake Formation database where tables will be created (one per stream)
- AWS credentials in the form of either the pair Access key ID / Secret key ID or a role with the following permissions:
- Writing objects in the S3 bucket
- Updating of the Lake Formation database
To navigate to the Athena connection settings:
Go to the Data Sources section and click the + Add connection button in the upper left corner.
Select Athena database type.
After navigating to the Athena connection settings, you will need to fill in its details.
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Athena connection settings | Property name in YAML configuration file | Description |
Connection name | The name of the connection that will be created in DQOps. This will also be the name of the folder where the connection configuration files are stored. The name of the connection must be unique and consist of alphanumeric characters. | |
Parallel jobs limit | A limit on the number of jobs that can run simultaneously. Leave empty to disable the limit. | |
Trino engine type | trino_engine_type |
Trino engine type. Supports also a ${TRINO_ENGINE} configuration with a custom environment variable. |
Athena AWS authentication mode | aws_authentication_mode |
The authentication mode for AWS Athena. Supports also a ${ATHENA_AWS_AUTHENTICATION_MODE} configuration with a custom environment variable. |
Athena AccessKeyId | athena_access_key_id |
The AWS access key id for the IAM that can access the Athena. |
Athena SecretAccessKey | athena_secret_access_key |
The AWS secret access key for the IAM that can access the Athena. |
Athena Region | athena_region |
The AWS Region where queries will be run. Supports also a ${ATHENA_REGION} configuration with a custom environment variable. When not set the default value will be loaded from .credentials/AWS_default_config file in your DQOps' userhome |
Athena WorkGroup | athena_work_group |
The workgroup in which queries will run. Supports also a ${ATHENA_WORK_GROUP} configuration with a custom environment variable. |
Athena OutputLocation | athena_output_location |
The location in Amazon S3 where query results will be stored. Supports also a ${ATHENA_OUTPUT_LOCATION} configuration with a custom environment variable. |
Catalog | catalog |
The catalog that contains the databases and the tables that will be accessed with the driver. Supports also a ${TRINO_CATALOG} configuration with a custom environment variable. |
JDBC connection property | Optional setting. DQOps supports using JDBC driver to access Athena. See the Athena documentation for JDBC connection parameter references. |
DQOps allows you to dynamically replace properties in connection settings with environment variables. To use it, simply change "clear text" to ${ENV_VAR} using the drop-down menu at the end of the variable entry field and type your variable.
For example:
To add optional JDBC connection properties, just type the JDBC connection property and the Value. The value can be in the ${ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME} format to use dynamic substitution.
For example:
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To remove the property, click the trash icon at the end of the input field.
After filling in the connection settings, click the Test Connection button to test the connection.
Click the Save connection button when the test is successful otherwise, you can check the details of what went wrong.
When you add a new connection, it will appear in the tree view on the left, and you will be redirected to the Import Metadata screen. Now we can import schemas and tables.
Import the selected data resources (source schemas and tables) by clicking on the Import Tables button next to the name of the source schema from which you want to import tables.
Select the tables you want to import or import all tables using the buttons in the upper right corner.
Upon import, you will receive information that a new tables have been imported. You can then begin collecting basic statistics and profiling data by running default data profiling checks. Simply click on the Start profiling button to initiate this process.
!!! info "Automatically activated checks"
Once new tables are imported, DQOps automatically activates [profiling and monitoring checks](../dqo-concepts/definition-of-data-quality-checks/index.md) which are which are pre-enabled by [data quality policies](../dqo-concepts/data-observability.md#automatic-activation-of-checks).
These checks detect volume anomalies, data freshness anomalies, empty tables, table availability, schema changes, anomalies in the count of distinct values, and null percent anomalies. The profiling checks are scheduled
to run at 12:00 p.m. on the 1st day of every month, and the monitoring checks are scheduled to run daily at 12:00 p.m.
[**Profiling checks**](../dqo-concepts/definition-of-data-quality-checks/data-profiling-checks.md) are designed to assess
the initial data quality score of a data source. Profiling checks are also useful for exploring and experimenting with
various types of checks and determining the most suitable ones for regular data quality monitoring.
[**Monitoring checks**](../dqo-concepts/definition-of-data-quality-checks/data-observability-monitoring-checks.md) are
standard checks that monitor the data quality of a table or column. They can also be referred to as **Data Observability** checks.
These checks capture a single data quality result for the entire table or column.
To add a connection run the following command in DQOps Shell.
dqo> connection add
Fill in the data you will be asked for.
Connection name (--name): connection1
Database provider type (--provider):
[ 1] bigquery
[ 2] clickhouse
[ 3] databricks
[ 4] db2
[ 5] duckdb
[ 6] hana
[ 7] mariadb
[ 8] mysql
[ 9] oracle
[10] postgresql
[11] presto
[12] questdb
[13] redshift
[14] snowflake
[15] spark
[16] sqlserver
[17] teradata
[18] trino
Please enter one of the [] values: 18
Trino engine type (--trino-engine):
[ 1] trino
[ 2] athena
Athena authentication mode (--athena-authentication-mode):
[ 1] iam
[ 2] default_credentials
Please enter one of the [] values: 1
AWS AccessKeyId (--trino-user) [${TRINO_USER}]: <aws access key id>
AWS SecretAccessKey (--trino-password) [${TRINO_PASSWORD}]: <aws secret acces key>
(--athena-region) [${ATHENA_REGION}]: us-east-1
(--trino-catalog) [${TRINO_CATALOG}]: awsdatacatalog
(--athena-work-group) [${ATHENA_WORK_GROUP}]: primary
(--athena-output-location) [${ATHENA_OUTPUT_LOCATION}]: s3://you_bucket_name/a_path
Connection connection1 was successfully added.
Run 'table import -c=connection1' to import tables.
You can also run the command with parameters to add a connection in just a single step.
dqo> connection add --name=connection1
--trino-user=<aws access key id>
--trino-password=<aws secret acces key>
After adding connection run table import -c=connection1
to select schemas and import tables.
DQOps will ask you to select the schema from which the tables will be imported.
You can also add the schema and table name as parameters to import tables in just a single step.
dqo> table import --connection={connection name}
--schema={schema name}
--table={table name}
DQOps supports the use of the asterisk character * as a wildcard when selecting schemas and tables, which can substitute any number of characters. For example, use pub* to find all schema a name with a name starting with "pub". The * character can be used at the beginning, middle, or end of the name.
Connection configurations are stored in the YAML files in the ./sources
folder. The name of the connection is also
the name of the folder where the configuration file is stored.
Below is a sample YAML file showing an example configuration of the Athena data source connection.
apiVersion: dqo/v1
kind: source
provider_type: trino
trino_engine_type: athena
user: <aws access key id>
password: <aws secret acces key>
athena_authentication_mode: iam
athena_region: us-east-1
catalog: awsdatacatalog
athena_work_group: primary
athena_output_location: s3://you_bucket_name/a_path
grouping_level: table_dimension_category
minimum_severity: warning
max_incident_length_days: 60
mute_for_days: 60
Complete documentation of all connection parameters used in the spec.trino
node is
described in the reference section of the TrinoParametersSpec
YAML file format.
With DQOps, you can configure credentials to access AWS S3 directly in the platform.
Please note, that any credentials and secrets shared with the DQOps Cloud or DQOps SaaS instances are stored in the .credentials folder. This folder also contains the default credentials files pair for AWS named AWS_default_config and AWS_default_credentials.
If you wish to use AWS authentication, the content of the files must be replaced with your aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key and region. You can find more details on how to manage access keys for IAM users in AWS documentation.
!!! warning
If you do not replace the content of the files, the default credentials will be loaded from system.
To set the credential file in DQOps, follow these steps:
- Open the Configuration in menu.
- Select Shared credentials from the tree view on the left.
- Click the edit link on the “AWS_default_credentials” file.
- In the text area, edit the aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key, replacing the placeholder text.
Click the Save button, to save changes, go back to the main Shared credentials view.
Edit the region in AWS_default_config file and save the file.
!!! tip "Use the system default credentials after filling in the shared credential"
If you still want to use default credentials from AWS,
you must manually delete the .credentials/AWS_default_config and .credentials/AWS_default_credentials files from the DQOps credentials.
- We have provided a variety of use cases that use openly available datasets from Google Cloud to help you in using DQOps effectively. You can find the complete list of use cases here.
- DQOps allows you to keep track of the issues that arise during data quality monitoring and send alert notifications directly to Slack. Learn more about incidents and notifications.
- The data in the table often comes from different data sources and vendors or is loaded by different data pipelines. Learn how data grouping in DQOps can help you calculate separate data quality KPI scores for different groups of rows.