Dotnetos Ltd. Hardcore Workshop License
The Diagnostics Expert Course is referred later as the Course.
The source code is provided to you solely for the educations purposes and can be used only by attendees of the Course that bought or received the access directly from Dotnetos Ltd.
- You can't remove this license from the source.
- You can't commercially use this code.
- You can't disclose the source to people that are not participants of the Course.
- You can't distribute this code in any form.
- You can't sublicense any part of this work in any form.
- You can't create derivative works.
- Dotnetos Ltd is not hold liable for any damage related to the misuse of the source or the knowledge obtained during the course.
- All the intellectual property rights related to materials belong solely to Dotnetos Ltd.
- You are given a license to use these materials only and only for the educational purposes related to the Course.
If you're in doubt, contact us at