| 1 | +# .NET Performance Repository Documentation Readme |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +The documentation in this repo is organized into the following sections: |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +## Getting Started |
| 6 | + |
| 7 | +- [Prerequisites](prerequisites.md) - Information on what you need to get started. |
| 8 | +- [Perf report walkthrough](perfreport-walkthrough.md) - This document describes Performance Report Advanced Features. |
| 9 | +- [Crank to Helix workflow](crank-to-helix-workflow.md) - Information on how to schedule performance tests to be run on Helix machines using Crank (instead of running locally). |
| 10 | +- [Profiling workflow dotnet runtime](profiling-workflow-dotnet-runtime.md) - This doc explains how to profile local [dotnet/runtime](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime) builds and it's targetted at [dotnet/runtime](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime) repository contributors. |
| 11 | +- [Pipeline templates](../eng/common/template-guidance.md) - Information on azure yml pipelines. |
| 12 | + |
| 13 | +## Running Benchmarks |
| 14 | + |
| 15 | +- [BenchmarkDotNet](benchmarkdotnet.md) - Information of how to run benchmarks using BenchmarkDotNet tool and interpret results. |
| 16 | +- [Benchmarking workflow](benchmarking-workflow-dotnet-runtime.md) - Information about the (micro)benchmarks for the [dotnet/runtime](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime) in this repository. |
| 17 | +- [Microbenchmarks Guide](../src/benchmarks/micro/README.md) for information on running our microbenchmarks. |
| 18 | +- [Micro Benchmarks of .NET Runtime(s)](../src/benchmarks/micro/README.md) - Information on benchmarks of .NET Runtime(s). |
| 19 | +- [Microbenchmarks design guidelines](microbenchmark-design-guidelines.md) - Detailed guidelines on how to design and write microbenchmarks. |
| 20 | +- [benchmarks_local.py script guide](../src/scripts/BENCHMARKS_LOCAL_README.md) - Description of a script for testing the performance of the different dotnet/runtime build types locally. |
| 21 | +- [ResultsComparer tool](../src/tools/ResultsComparer/README.md) - Information on tool which allows for easy comparison of provided benchmark results. |
| 22 | +- [Serializers Benchmarks](../src/benchmarks/micro/Serializers/README.md) - Information on benchmarks of the most popular serializers. |
| 23 | +- [bepuphysics2 Benchmarks](../src/benchmarks/real-world/bepuphysics2/README.md) - Information on benchmarks of bepuphysics2 library. |
| 24 | +- [Microsoft.ML Benchmarks datasets](../src/benchmarks/real-world/Microsoft.ML.Benchmarks/Input/README.md) - Information on datasets used for benchmarking of the Microsoft.ML library. |
| 25 | +- [Benchmarks run in PowerShell](../src/benchmarks/real-world/PowerShell.Benchmarks/README.md) - Information on performance tests for different pieces of the library run using PowerShell. |
| 26 | + |
| 27 | +### GC Benchmarks |
| 28 | + |
| 29 | +- [ASP.NET Benchmarks errors](../src/benchmarks/gc/GC.Infrastructure/docs/ASPNETBenchmarks.md) - Information on main types of errors while running ASP.NET Benchmarks using crank. |
| 30 | +- [Testing GC.Infrastructure](../src/benchmarks/gc/GC.Infrastructure/README.md) - Information on testing GC.Infrastructure. |
| 31 | +- [GC.Analysis.API](../src/benchmarks/gc/GC.Infrastructure/GC.Analysis.API/README.md) - Information on conducting GC, CPU and Threading analysis using .NET Interactive notebooks. |
| 32 | +- [GC.Infrastructure Notebooks](../src/benchmarks/gc/GC.Infrastructure/Notebooks/README.md) - Information on notebooks that either provide examples or functionality for specialized analysis |
| 33 | +- [Benchmark Analysis](../src/benchmarks/gc/GC.Infrastructure/Notebooks/BenchmarkAnalysis.md) - Information on a notebook which contains code for producing charts (and soon, tables) for GC benchmarks. It can currently process data |
| 34 | +from the ASP.NET benchmarks obtained using crank as well as ETL data. |
| 35 | + |
| 36 | +## Running Scenarios |
| 37 | + |
| 38 | +- [Scenarios workflow](scenarios-workflow.md) - An introduction of how to run scenario tests. |
| 39 | +- [Basic scenarios](basic-scenarios.md) - Specific instruction of how to run various basic scenarios. |
| 40 | +- [Blazor scenarios](blazor-scenarios) - Specific instruction of how to run _New Blazorwasm Template Size On Disk_ scenarios. |
| 41 | +- [Cross-gen scenarios](crossgen-scenarios.md) - Specific instruction of how to run _crossgen_ scenarios. |
| 42 | +- [SDK scenarios](sdk-scenarios.md) - Specific instruction of how to run _SDK Build Throughput Scenario_ scenarios. |
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