3. Use Your Wallet!
On launch, your wallet will have a loading bar on the bottom-left. You will have to wait 1 - 5 minutes for the wallet to synchronize.
After it is synchronized with the network, you are now able to use your Dogecoin wallet!
On launch, your wallet will have a loading bar on the bottom-left. You will have to wait 1 - 5 minutes for the wallet to synchronize.
After it is synchronized with the network, you are now able to use your Dogecoin wallet!
You have just finished setting up your Dogecoin wallet!
diff --git a/i18n/en.json b/i18n/en.json
index be98e63b..c5abc8ad 100644
--- a/i18n/en.json
+++ b/i18n/en.json
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
"dgc-getting-started-linux-1-3": "Download MultiDoge for Linux",
"dgc-getting-started-linux-2-0": "2. Set Permissions.",
"dgc-getting-started-linux-2-1": "Right click on the (.jar) file, click \"Properties\".",
- "dgc-getting-started-linux-2-3": "Go to the \"Permissions\" tab, check the box next to \"Execute\" to allow executing of the file as a program. Close properties window.",
+ "dgc-getting-started-linux-2-2": "Go to the \"Permissions\" tab, check the box next to \"Execute\" to allow executing of the file as a program. Close properties window.",
"dgc-getting-started-linux-3-0": "3. Launch as OpenJDK Java!",
"dgc-getting-started-linux-3-1": "Right click the (.jar) file again, hover over \"Open With\", and then select OpenJDK Java 6 or 7 Runtime.",
"dgc-getting-started-linux-3-2": "Okay, we might've lied about 1, 2, 3 on Linux. But, we need to explain more compared to other Operating Systems. Sorry!",
diff --git a/i18n/fr.json b/i18n/fr.json
index 6cb4d7f5..5c71f03b 100644
--- a/i18n/fr.json
+++ b/i18n/fr.json
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
"dgc-exchanges-modal-localdogecoin": "LocalDogecoin",
"dgc-exchanges-modal-localdogecoin-desc": " (Pour acheter des Dogecoins à des personnes de votre pays.)",
"dgc-exchanges-modal-mining": "Vous pouvez aussi obtenir des Dogecoins en les « minant ». Miner consiste à utiliser la puissance de votre ordinateur pour vérifier les transactions d'autres personnes, en échange vous obtenez des Dogecoins.",
- "dgc-exchanges-modal-mining-howto": "Le minage est seulement destiné aux utilisateurs avancés, car il requiert beaucoup de connaissances techniques. Si vous êtes intéressé,