miniZ is a fast and friendly Equihash miner.
- Supports most Equihash algorithm variants:
- Requires minimum 2GB GPU’s. Ex. GTX 1050 2GB.
- Supports most mining pools.
- miniZ works on Linux and Windows.
- Cool console output and telemetry monitoring.
- Developer fee is set to 2%.
For a detailed description of features read here.
Run the following commands in your terminal:
docker run --gpus all -d dockminer/miniz:latest [miniz arguments]
The container should up and start mining.
In default, the docker expose the 20000 port for miniZ monitoring page, you can connect http://localhost:2000 to see the web page.
This image is built on top of the following softwares:
- Nvidia CUDA Container v10.2
- miniZ v1.7x3