This document will go into more detail about the Testem configuration file and list in glorious detail all of its available options. The config file is in either JSON format or YAML format and can be called any of the following
The file is looked for in the user's current directory.
Here's an example testem.json
"framework": "mocha",
"src_files": [
Here's an example testem.js
file that defines a custom reporter:
var CustomReporter = require('./my-custom-reporter');
module.exports = {
"framework": "mocha",
"src_files": [
"reporter": new CustomReporter()
- framework - the test framework that you are using, in the browser, in the case that you are not also using the
option. The possible values at the moment arejasmine
, andtap
. Defaults tojasmine
. - src_files - the location of your source files. This should be the code that you author directly, and not generated source files. So, if you are writing in CoffeeScript or TypeScript, this should be your
files. If you are writing in Javascript, this would just be your.js
files, but if you have a compile step for your JS, this would be the.js
file pre-compilation. The files matched here are what Testem watches for modification (the watch list) so that it promptly re-runs the tests when any of them are saved. - serve_files - the location of the source files to be served to the browser. If don't have a compilation step, don't set this option, and it will default to src_files. If you have a compilation step, you should set this to the
file(s) that result from the compilation. - test_page - if you want to use a custom test page to run your tests, put its path here. In most cases, when you use this option, the src_files option becomes unnecessary because Testem simply adds all requested files into the watch list. You will also make sure that you include the
script in your test page if you use this option - simply include it with a script tag just below the include for your test framework, i.e.jasmine.js
. - launchers - this option allows you to set up custom process launchers which can be used to run Node programs and indeed any kind of process within Testem.
Chrome, Chrome Canary, Chromium, Firefox, IE, Opera, PhantomJS, Safari, Safari Technology Preview
file: [String] configuration file (testem.json, .testem.json, testem.yml, .testem.yml)
host: [String] server host to use (localhost)
port: [Number] server port to use (7357)
launch: [Array] Comma-delimited list of launchers to use for current runs (defaults to current mode)
skip: [Array] Comma-delimited list of launchers to skip
debug: [Boolean] debug mode (false)
test_page: [String] string (or array of string) paths to the pages to use to run tests
growl: [Boolean] enables growl / native notifications (false)
bail_on_uncaught_error: [Boolean] whether process should exit with error status when there are top level uncaught errors (via `window.onerror`) (true)
custom_browser_socket_events [Object] an object containing keys corresponding to event names that point to handler functions, which are to be added to the browser socket
browser_disconnect_timeout [Number] timeout to error after disconnect in seconds (10s)
browser_start_timeout [Number] timeout to error after browser start in seconds (30s)
browser_paths: [Object] hash of browsers (keys) to an string of their binary paths (values)
browser_exes: [Object] hash of browsers (keys) to an string of their binary names (values)
browser_args: [Object] hash of browsers (keys) to an array of their custom arguments (values) or an object with a mode and arguments
client_decycle_depth [Number] number of times to recurse while decycling objects within the client (5)
config_dir: [Path] directory to use as root for resolving configs, if different than cwd
css_files: [Array] string or array of additional stylesheets to include
cwd: [Path] directory to use as root
dev_mode_file_reporter: [String] in dev mode the default reporter is 'dev' for the standard output. It is possible to specify a custom reporter which will report to report_file ('tap' reporter is used otherwise)
disable_watching: [Boolean] disable any file watching
fail_on_zero_tests: [Boolean] whether process should exit with error status when no tests found
firefox_user_js: [String] path to firefox custom user.js file to be used
framework: [String] test framework to use; defaults to "jasmine"
ignore_missing_launchers: [Boolean] ignore missing launchers in ci mode
launchers: [Object] a specification for all custom launchers (each launcher name mapped to an object with `command` (shell) and optionally `protocol="tap"`
launch_in_dev: [Array] list of launchers to use for dev runs
launch_in_ci: [Array] list of launchers to use for CI runs
middleware [Array] list of functions to be called with the express app instance
parallel: [Number] max number of parallel runners (1)
phantomjs_debug_port: [Number] port used to attach phantomjs debugger
phantomjs_args: [Array] custom arguments for the phantomjs launcher from
phantomjs_launch_script: [String] path of custom phantomjs launch script
proxies [Object] path to options including `onlyContentTypes` and
reporter: [String] name of the reporter to be used in ci mode ("tap" (default), "xunit", "dot", "teamcity") or an object implementing
report_file: [String] file to write test results to (stdout)
route or routes: [Object] overrides for assets paths
socket_heartbeat_timeout [Number] heartbeat timeout on browser socket in seconds (defaults to `browser_disconnect_timeout` if `browser_disconnect_timeout` is provided. Else, 5s)
src_files: [Array] string or array list of files or file patterns to use
src_files_ignore: [Array] string or array list of files or file patterns to exclude from usage
serve_files: [Array] string or array list of files or file patterns to inject into test playground (defaults to `src_files`)
serve_files_ignore: [Array] string or array list of files or file patterns to exclude from test playground (defaults to `src_files_ignore`)
single_run [Boolean] whether or not test is to be single-run
stdout_stream [Stream] the stdout stream to use (defaults to `process.stdout`)
tap_quiet_logs [Boolean] whether to suppress non-failing logs in TAP reporting
timeout: [Number] timeout for a browser
unsafe_file_serving: [Boolean] allow serving directories that are not in your CWD (false)
url: [String] url server runs at (http://{host}:{port}/)
user_data_dir: [String] directory to initialize the browser user data directories (default a temporary directory)
watch_files: [Array] string or array list of files or file patterns to watch changes of (defaults to `src_files`)
xunit_exclude_stack: [Boolean] whether to exclude stack traces in xunit reporter
xunit_intermediate_output [Boolean] print tap output for the xunit reporter (false)
Testem allows the test page to be served via HTTPS. To enable HTTPS either the pfx or the cert and key options need to be specificed. More details around HTTPS in Node can be found here:
cert: [String] path to a public x509 certificate to use
key: [String] path to a private key to use for SS
pfx: [String] path to certificate, private key and CA certificates to use for SSL
Hooks can be defined as a string in which case they run as a shell command or as a function in which case they will be passed 3 arguments: the Testem config object, a data object if present (see below), and a callback which should be invoked with a falsey argument (or no arguments) to indicate a passing result or with a truthy argument (such as an Error
object) to indicate a failing result.
on_start: Runs on suite startup
on_change: Runs when a (non-config) file being watched is changed. Has a data object with a `file` property set to the changed file's path
before_tests: Runs before every run of tests
after_tests: Runs after every run of tests
on_exit: Runs before suite exits