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tcsg5-apitool - HARICA API for TCS Gen5 commissioning

Usage: tcsg5-apitool [-s andOTPfile.json] [-e endpoint] [-t tokenname]
    [-P passwordfile] [-U user_email] [-R csrfile_pem] [-h] [-n] [-v[v]]
    [-O orgname] [--profile (OV|EV|DV)] [-F friendlyname]
    <COMMAND> <commandargs> ...

    -U email        email address of the user in the portal
    -R file         file with a PEM formatted CSR (only key is used)
                    (the default is AUTO, which creates a fresh rsa:4096
                    request in a subdirectory names after the first
                    domain name, i.e. cert's friendlyName)
                    AUTO requests need `openssl` to be installed
    -F name         name used for request and directory naming
    -O orgname      organisation name to use for OV/EV issuance (required if
                    more than one org matches the given domainlist)
    --profile xv    Set cert profile to OV, EV, DV, ... (default OV)
    -d dir          base directory for per-certificate/request directories
    -A              create advanced formats on download (requires openssl)
    -pkcs12_opts op add <op> as extra options to the openssl pkcs12 -export
                    command line (e.g. "-passout pass:plain")
    -e url          HARICA API endpoint (
    -v[v...]        become (ver|very)bose
    -h              this help
    -n | --dryrun   do not actually do persistent actions changing state

    -s file         JSON file containing the TOTP shared secrets
        default TOTP secrets JSON is /m/doc/otp_accounts_*.json
        (can also be set using the ANDOTPJSON environment variable)
    -t name         name of the TOTP token in the secrets file
    -P file         password for the user is by default in 
        (please make sure this is on an empheral encrypted filesystem)

req <domain> [<domain> ...]

    submit a request with these domain names, and (if AUTO request)
    store the result in a subdirectory named after the first domain
    or friendly name ("./tcs-<domain>/").
    Returns the ID of the request (a UUID). If set to auto, will
    also put this in the "id-<domainname" meta-data file for reference

    Example: tcsg5-apitool -R AUTO req

dl <uuid>

    download a validated and issued certificate for order <uuid>. This
    <uuid> is shown after the request has been submitted, but can also
    be retrieved from the HARICA CM portal and (if AUTO modus) from the
    'id-' file in the subdirectory for the request

    Example: tcsg5-apitool dl 59af3920-0994-4e80-b2cd-b39a81dac9e2

orglist <domain> [<domain> ...]

    list the organisations that can issue for the provided list of
    domains (in combination with your own account privileges).

    Example: tcsg5-apitool orglist

there are no other valid commands (yet). To approve requests by the
second-pair-of-eyes, use the HARICA CM portal for now. In the future,
this tool may have dual-user/approver support.
Important: this tool ONLY works with PREVALIDATED domains.

The utility uses the plain-text backup JSON format from andOTP to read
the secrets, and the labels + issuers associated with these. This makes
a perl-based alternative to having your totp device handy.
File should have JSON syntax like: 
  [ { "algorithm" : "SHA1", "digits" : 6, "period" : 30, "type" : "TOTP",
      "issuer" : "token-name-here", "label" : "label-set-by-issuer",

If the token secrets file or the password file cannot be opened, then
the script will ask for a response on the terminal.  But be quick for the 
TOTP token entry!

The tool will parse (perl-syntax) rc files from ~/.tcsg5apirc or like 
files (~/.haricarc, /etc/tcsg5apirc, /etc/haricarc, and /usr/local/etc/...)
to overwrite some of the defaults on a per-user basis (like the password
and totp secrets file)

Example of a $HOME/.haricarc file:

    # @(#)tcsg5apirc
    $::cmusername = '';
    $::tokenname = "HARICA STG DAVIDG";
    $::cmpasswordfile = "/mnt/secured/HARICA-TCSG5/cm-stg.davidg.passphrase";
    $::cm_endpoint = "";
    $::profile = "OV";
    $::basedir = ".";
    $::ossl_pkcs12_extra_opts = "-passout pass:";
    $::orgname = "Nikhef ".
        "(Stichting Nederlandse Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Inst.)";

- No name component should contain a comma (","). If there are commas, then 
  auto-EE detection will not work. That's usually harmless, but just in case.
- For AUTO requests, and for advanced output formats (P7B DER, PKCS12) you
  will need OpenSSL 1+ installed. Also on Windows. Use WSL, Cygwin, or a 
  Win32 build of OpenSSL.
- The Digest::HMAC_SHA1 and MIME::Base32 modules are only needed to generate
  the totp token. If you do not like that, or do not have them, comment them
  out and start frantically typing digits from your totp app.

This tool comes with no warranties whatsoever, and may cause your pet to
walk out on you. Beware!


GEANT Trusted Certificate Service 5th generation tools







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