Document templates for LaTeX / LyX
This repository contains a collection of templates for LyX software. Templates are based on KOMA-scripts, and include additional configurations for fonts, colors, minimal document structures, default settings for some programming langages (Java or Matlab), settings for french language...
Templates are located in the "templates" directory. Each template corresponds to a LyX file.
To install a template, it suffices to copy the corresponding LyX file into the appropriate directory:
- For LyX versions previous uo to 2.3.*, the "templates" directory is that of the current LyX installation (typical windows location:
C:\Program Files\LyX-2.3\Resources\templates
, please update to your local configuration). - from LyX versions 2.4, it is possible to use user directory:
From LyX, simply click on File -> Open With Template... and select the appropriate template. From version 2.4, it is possible to filter user templates.