Regularised FISTA-type iterative reconstruction algorithm for X-ray tomographic reconstruction with highly inaccurate measurements
This software supports research published in the following journal papers [1,2,3] with applications in [4-6]. Software depends on several software packages and requires a GPU (Nvidia) card to operate. FISTA-tomo is implemented in both MATLAB and Python.
- Tomographic projection data are simulated without the "inverse crime" using TomoPhantom. Noise and artifacts (zingers, rings) can be modelled and added to data.
- Simulated data reconstructed iteratively using FISTA-type algorithm with multiple "plug-and-play" regularisers from CCPi-RegularisationToolkit
- Presented FISTA algorithm offers novel modifications: convergence acceleration with ordered-subsets method, PWLS, Group-Huber[3] and Students't data fidelities [1,2] to deal with noise and image artifacts
- Various projection (2D/3D) geometries are supported and real data provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method
- ASTRA-toolbox for projection operations
- TomoPhantom for simulation
- CCPi-RegularisationToolkit for regularisation
- See INSTALLATION for detailed information
Install with conda install -c dkazanc fista-tomo
or build with:
conda build Wrappers/Python/conda-recipe --numpy 1.12 --python 3.5
conda install fista-tomo --use-local --force
- A number of demos for 2D/3D parallel and cone-beam geometry with 2D and 3D regularisation routines using CCPi-RegularisationToolkit. Demos show how the methods deal with noise and artifacts. Also real-data example added to emphasise methods properties.
- D. Kazantsev et al. 2017. A Novel Tomographic Reconstruction Method Based on the Robust Student's t Function For Suppressing Data Outliers. IEEE TCI, 3(4), pp.682-693.
- D. Kazantsev et al. 2017. Model-based iterative reconstruction using higher-order regularization of dynamic synchrotron data. Measurement Science and Technology, 28(9), p.094004.
- P. Paleo and A. Mirone, 2015. Ring artifacts correction in compressed sensing tomographic reconstruction. Journal of synchrotron radiation, 22(5), pp.1268-1278.
- E. Guo et al. 2018. The influence of nanoparticles on dendritic grain growth in Mg alloys. Acta Materialia.
- E. Guo et al. 2018. Revealing the microstructural stability of a three-phase soft solid (ice cream) by 4D synchrotron X-ray tomography. Journal of Food Engineering, vol.237
- E. Guo et al. 2017. Dendritic evolution during coarsening of Mg-Zn alloys via 4D synchrotron tomography. Acta Materialia, 123, pp.373-382.
- E. Guo et al. 2017. Synchrotron X-ray tomographic quantification of microstructural evolution in ice cream–a multi-phase soft solid. Rsc Advances, 7(25), pp.15561-15573.
can be addressed to Daniil Kazantsev at