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File metadata and controls

311 lines (250 loc) · 11.8 KB

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React Data Table Component

Why the long name? Well, there are A LOT of React table libraries out there! Creating yet another React table library came out of nescessity while developing a production application for a busy startup. I discovered that while there are great table libraries available, but most required heavy customization, feature bloated/slow (I didn't need an Excel clone), lacked features, were "too" opinionated in their styling (overriding css and/or forced to use their flavor of ui library) or required a commercial license.

If you want to achieve balance with the force and want a simple, sortable, flexible table library, give React Data Table Component a shot. If you want an Excel clone, need to pivot large data sets or want to infinitely scroll millions of rows, then this is not the React table library you are looking for 👋

React Data Table Component is still under Development, but here are the initial features available:

  • Declarative Configuration
  • Sortable (client)
  • Selectable Rows
  • Expandable Rows
  • Themeable via js config
  • Data Aware (i.e. easily callback to a parent component get the DataTable state, e.g. selectedRows)
  • Responsive


  • Sortable (server)
  • Pagination (client/server)
  • Search (client/server)
  • Fixed Headers
  • Built in themes (Material, Boostrap)
  • Accesibility



data just needs to be an array of object data....


Nothing new here - we are using an array of object literals and properties to describle the columns:

Property Type Required Example
name string no the display name of our Column e.g. 'Name'
selector string yes the propery in the data set e.g. property1.nested1.nested2
sortable bool no if the column is sortable
number bool no if the field is a number: applies text-align: right
center bool no if the field should be centered: applies text-align: center
compact bool no removes any padding in the cell. useful for custom cells icons or buttons
format func no format the selector e.g. row => moment(row.timestamp).format('lll')
cell func no for ultimate control use cell to render your own custom component! e.g row => <h2>{row.title}</h2> Negates format

DataTable Properties

Property Type Required Default Description
title string or component no The Title displayed in the Table Header
columns array yes [] The column configuration
data array no [] Table Data
keyField string no 'id' Your data should have a unique indentifier. By default, React Data Table looks for an id property for each item in your data. You must match keyField value this field name, especially if you want to manage row state at a later time, While not recommmended, If an unique id is not present in your data set, then React Data Table will use the row index as the key value
progressPending bool no Disables the table and displays a plain text Loading Indicator
progressComponent component no allows you to use your own custom progress component
progressCentered bool no absolutely position and center the progress over the table
selectableRows bool no false Whether to show selectable checkboxes
selectableRowsComponent func no Override the default checkbox component - must be passed as a function (e.g. Checkbox not <Checkbox />)
selectableRowsComponentProps object no Additional props you want to pass to selectableRowsComponent
expandableRows bool no false Whether to make a row expandable, if true it requires an expandableRowsComponent
expandableRowsComponent string or component no A custom component to display in the expanded row. It will have the data prop composed so that you may access the row data
noDataComponent string or component no A custom component to display when there are no records to display
sortIcon component no Override the default sort icon - the icon must be a font or svg icon and it should be a "downward" icon
striped bool no stripe color the odd rows
highlightOnHover bool no false if rows are highlighted on hover
contextTitle string no override the context menu title
contextActions array of components no add context action as an array of components
onTableUpdate func no callback to access the entire Data Table state ({ allSelected, selectedCount, selectedRows, sortColumn, sortDirection, rows, columns
clearSelectedRows bool no false set this prop to true to trigger all rows to deselect - you can use this together with onTableUpdate to control
defaultSortField string no Setting this ensures the table data is presorted before it renders and the field(selector) is focused
defaultSortAsc bool true
className string no override the className on the Table wrapper
style object no override the style on the Table wrapper
overflowY bool no false if a table is responsive, items such as layovers and menus will be clipped on the last row(s) due to to overflow-x-y behavior - setting this value ensures there is invisible space below the table to prevent "clipping". The table parent element must have a fixed height or height: 100% for this to work
overflowYOffset string no 250px used with overflowY to "fine tune" the offset
responsive bool no true makes the table horizontally scrollable on smaller screen widths
customTheme object no Override the default theme, by overriding specifc props. Your changes will be merged.

Basic Table

The following declarative structure creates a sortable table of Arnold movie titles:

import DataTable from 'react-data-table-component`;

const data = [{ title: 'Conan the Barbarian', year: '1982' } ...];
const columns = [
    name: 'Title',
    selector: 'title',
    sortable: true,
    name: 'Year',
    selector: 'year',
    sortable: true,
    number: true,

const MyComponent = () => (
    title="Arnold Movies"

Selectable Rows

Let's make our rows selectable so we can access the selected results


const handleChange = (state) => {
  // You can use setState or dispatch with something like Redux so we can use the retrieved data
  console.log('Selected Rows: ', state.selectedRows);


const MyComponent = () => (
    title="Arnold Movies"
    selectableRows // add for checkbox selection

Overriding with a 3rd Party Ui Component Library

You don't like those ugly html checkboxes? Let's override them with some react-md sexyiness. While we are at it we will also override the sortIcon

import { Checkbox, FontIcon } from 'react-md';

const MyComponent = () => (
    title="Arnold Movies"
    selectableRowsComponent={Checkbox} // Pass the function only
    selectableRowsComponentProps={{ inkDisabled: true }} // optionally, pass some props to our react-md checkbox
    sortIcon={<FontIcon>arrow_downward</FontIcon>} // use a material icon for our sort icon

Custom Cells

Let's give our Movie list a summary, but in the same cell as Name:


const data = [{ title: 'Conan the Barbarian', summary: 'Orphaned boy Conan is enslaved after his village is destroyed...',  year: '1982' } ...];
const columns = [
    name: 'Title',
    sortable: true,
    cell: row => <div><div style={{ fontWeight: bold }}>{row.title}</div>{row.summary}</div>,
    name: 'Year',
    selector: 'year',
    sortable: true,
    number: true,


const MyComponent = () => (
    title="Arnold Movies"
    selectableRowsComponentProps={{ inkDisabled: true }}

Expandable Rows

Let's make our rows expandable so we can view more details:


const data = [{ title: 'Conan the Barbarian', summary: 'Orphaned boy Conan is enslaved after his village is destroyed...',  year: '1982', image: 'http://conan.image.png' } ...];
const columns = [
    name: 'Title',
    sortable: true,
    cell: row => <div><div style={{ fontWeight: 700 }}>{row.title}</div>{row.summary}</div>,
    name: 'Year',
    selector: 'year',
    sortable: true,
    number: true,


// The row data is composed into your custom expandable component via the data prop
const ExpanableComponent = ({ data }) => <img src={data.image} />;

const MyComponent = () => (
    title="Arnold Movies"
    selectableRowsComponentProps={{ inkDisabled: true }}
    expandableRowsComponent={<ExpanableComponent />}

##Theming TBD




Install the latest Node JS LTS and Yarn and simply run yarn or yarn install command in the root and stories directory.

Installing Flow Types

Install flowtypes using the package script:

yarn flow-typed

It is advised to run the script whenever NPM packages are installed.

Local development

During development,

# watch and build new source changes
yarn start
# or serve *.stories.js files and manually test on the Storyboard app
yarn storyboard

Including NPM packages

This project uses two package.json structure.

Library dependencies -- <root_dir>/package.json

yarn add [package-name] --dev # for dev tools
yarn add [package-name] # for app

Storybook dependencies -- <root_dir>/stories/package.json

cd stories/
yarn add [package-name]

Static Types

yarn flow # performs type checking on files


yarn lint # runs linter to detect any style issues (css & js)
yarn lint:css # lint only css
yarn lint:js # lint only js
yarn lint:js --fix # tries to fix js lint issues


yarn test # runs functional/unit tests using Jest
yarn test --coverage # with coverage


yarn build # builds sources at src/