A DEep learning PyTHon library written using numpy only.
- Clone the git repo using
git clone https://github.com/diwasblack/depth.git
- Activate the virtual environment if needed
- Install library from the root folder in editable mode using
pip install -e .
- Dense layer with activations:
- Sigmoid
- Tanh
- ReLu
- LeakyRelu
- Softmax
- Linear
- Convolution layer with activations:
- ReLu
- Pooling layer
- Max pooling
- Optimizers
- Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Loss functions
- Mean Squared Error
- Cross entropy loss
- Regularizer
- L2 Regularizer
A sequential network with 2 hidden layer and a softmax layers as final layer with cross entropy loss.
nn_object = Sequential()
units=32, activation="tanh", input_dimension=10))
units=64, activation="tanh"))
nn_object.add_layer(DenseLayer(units=10, activation="softmax"))
nn_object.compile(loss="cross_entropy", error_threshold=0.001)
See the examples folder for more.