🌟 My Portfolio with NodeMailer feature.
🚀 A sleek and modern personal portfolio website to showcase my skills, projects, and achievements.
Built using ReactJS, Node.js, and React-Bootstrap to deliver an exceptional user experience.
🛠️ Technologies Used Frontend: ReactJS - For building an interactive user interface. React-Bootstrap - For responsive design and elegant components. Backend: Node.js - For server-side logic. Other Tools: Nodemailer - To handle email functionality. GitHub Pages - For deployment. Render - To host the backend server. ✨ Key Features Modern UI: Designed with React-Bootstrap for a professional and elegant look. Responsive Design: Works seamlessly on devices of all sizes. Email Functionality: Users can contact me directly through the integrated contact form. Hosted Online: The portfolio is live and accessible anytime. Dynamic Content: Easy to update and expand with new projects or skills. 🖥️ Live Demo Check out the live version here: https://divyanshitripathi.github.io/myportfolio/
🚀 How to Run Locally
- Clone the Repository bash Copy code git clone https://github.com/yourusername/your-portfolio-repo.git
- Navigate to the Project Directory bash Copy code cd your-portfolio-repo
- Install Dependencies For the frontend: bash Copy code cd frontend npm install For the backend: bash Copy code cd backend npm install
- Start the Development Servers Start the React app: bash Copy code cd frontend npm start Start the Node.js server: bash Copy code cd backend node server.js
- Open in Browser Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the app in your browser.
📁 Project Structure plaintext Copy code root ├── frontend │ ├── public │ ├── src │ │ ├── components │ │ ├── pages │ │ ├── App.js │ │ └── index.js ├── backend │ ├── server.js │ ├── routes │ └── controllers ├── README.md ├── package.json └── .gitignore 📝 Contact Me Have feedback or questions? Feel free to reach out!
📧 Email: it.divyanshi@gmail.com 🌐 Portfolio: divyanshitripathi.github.io 🌟 Show Your Support If you like this project, please give it a ⭐ on GitHub and share it with others! 😊