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Diogo Silverio committed Aug 29, 2019
0 parents commit cad100e
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Showing 19 changed files with 955 additions and 0 deletions.
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@

* Daniel Flamino (45465)
* Diogo Silvério (45679)
* Rita Macedo (46033)



* -> this file
* docs/2nd Phase Report.pdf -> the project report
* akka-project/ -> the actual project
* akka-project/src/main/resources/aplication.conf -> application configuration
* akka-project/ -> script to launch the initial replicas and clients
* akka-project/target/pack/bin/main -> the application (after compiling)



* The script was made to run on git-bash for Windows and might not work
for other OS/terminal combos. It uses an hard coded IP addresses and ports for
the tester which must be changed before running it. Same applies to the
aplication.conf file with the set of initial replicas

* The project must be compiled using `sbt pack` before running it.

* For a list of available project commands, type `help` once the app is up and
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions akka-project/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions akka-project/build.sbt
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name := "ASD Project"

version := "2.0"

scalaVersion := "2.11.8"

libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.5.18"
libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-remote" % "2.5.18"
libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.2.1"
resolvers += "Akka Snapshot Repository" at ""
resolvers += "Typesafe Repository" at ""

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions akka-project/project/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions akka-project/project/plugins.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
addSbtPlugin("org.xerial.sbt" % "sbt-pack" % "0.11")
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions akka-project/src/main/resources/aplication.conf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
akka {
loglevel = "ERROR"
actor {
provider = remote
warn-about-java-serializer-usage = false
remote {
enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
netty.tcp {
hostname = ${myIp}
port = ${myPort}
use-passive-connections = off
custom {
replicas = ["", "", "", ""]
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions akka-project/src/main/scala/App.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import scala.util.Random
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.Map

class App(myHostname:String, myPort:String) extends Actor {

var myIpPort:String = myHostname+":"+myPort

var askedOperations:ListBuffer[Operation] = new ListBuffer() // All the operations asked by the clients to this replica

var results:Map[String, String] = Map() // Map of the answers for all operations executed in the system. Key is the Operation id and Value is the reply sent to the client

def receive = {
case ClientOp(op:Operation) =>
println("[APP] Got "+op.opId+" which is a "+op.opType+" operation")

var res = results.get(op.opId) // Check if we already answered this operation previously, in case the user didn't get the reply

// If there isn't a reply yet, send the request to the layer below (state machine), otherwise resend the reply to the client
if (res == None) {
askedOperations += op // Add the new operation to the list of requested operations
println("[APP] Asking to order "+op.opId)
getActorRef(myIpPort,"statemachine") ! OrderOperation(op) // Ask the state machine to order the operation
} else {
println("[APP] Already executed "+op.opId+", sending previously computed answer")
getActorRef(op.clientIpPort, "client") ! DeliverResult(op, res.get) // Deliver the previously computed answer
case OperationResult(op:Operation, result:String) =>
println("[APP] Storing the answer for "+op.opId+": "+result)
results += (op.opId -> result) // Add the new reply to the map of results
// If the client sent the request to this replica, reply to it
if (askedOperations.contains(op)) {
askedOperations -= op // Remove it from the list of requested operations
println("[APP] Sending answer to client")
getActorRef(op.clientIpPort, "client") ! DeliverResult(op, result) // Send the result of the operation to the client
case whatevs =>
println("[APP] Unknown message: "+whatevs)

def getActorRef(actorIpPort:String, actorType:String) : ActorSelection = {
return context.actorSelection("akka.tcp://ASDProject@"+actorIpPort+"/user/"+actorType) //akka.<protocol>://<actor system name>@<hostname>:<port>/<actor path>

131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions akka-project/src/main/scala/Client.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
import scala.util.Random
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class Client(myHostname:String, myPort:String) extends Actor with Timers {

var myIpPort:String = myHostname+":"+myPort

var knownReplicas:Set[String] = Set() // Set of known replicas

var opsToExecute:ListBuffer[Operation] = ListBuffer() // Queue of operations that the client is waiting for the reply

var opStats:Map[String, Stats] = Map()

def receive = {
case Read(key:String) =>
var start:Long = System.currentTimeMillis
var op:Operation = Operation(myIpPort+":"+start.toString+"_"+Random.nextInt(9001), myIpPort, "read", key, null) // Create the read operation
println("[CLIENT] Created operation read("+key+"): "+op.opId)
sendOperation(op, start) // Send it
case Write(key:String, value:String) =>
var start:Long = System.currentTimeMillis
var op:Operation = Operation(myIpPort+":"+start.toString+"_"+Random.nextInt(9001), myIpPort, "write", key, value) // Create the write operation
println("[CLIENT] Created operation write("+key+", "+value+"): "+op.opId)
sendOperation(op, start) // Send it
case Add(replica:String) =>
var start:Long = System.currentTimeMillis
var op:Operation = Operation(myIpPort+":"+start.toString+"_"+Random.nextInt(9001), myIpPort, "add", replica, null) // Create the add operation
println("[CLIENT] Created operation add("+replica+"): "+op.opId)
sendOperation(op, start) // Send it
case Remove(replica:String) =>
var start:Long = System.currentTimeMillis
var op:Operation = Operation(myIpPort+":"+start.toString+"_"+Random.nextInt(9001), myIpPort, "remove", replica, null) // Create the remove operation
println("[CLIENT] Created operation remove("+replica+"): "+op.opId)
sendOperation(op, start) // Send it
case DeliverResult(op:Operation, result:String) =>
opStats = opStats + ((op.opId, Stats(opStats(op.opId).startOnCreation, opStats(op.opId).startOnSend, System.currentTimeMillis)))
opsToExecute -= op // Remove the operation from the queue of operations waiting for a reply
println("[CLIENT] Got the result for "+op.opId+": "+result) // Print out the reply

// Send the next operation in the queue if there's any
if (opsToExecute.size > 0){
var replicaIpPort:String = chooseReplica() // Choose a replica to send the operation
println("[CLIENT] Sending "+opsToExecute.head.opId+" from queue to "+replicaIpPort)
opStats = opStats + ((opsToExecute.head.opId, Stats(opStats(opsToExecute.head.opId).startOnCreation, System.currentTimeMillis, -1)))
getActorRef(replicaIpPort, "app") ! ClientOp(opsToExecute.head) // Send operation to replica
timers.startSingleTimer(opsToExecute.head.opId, OperationTimeout(replicaIpPort, opsToExecute.head), 10000.millis) // Start the reply timeout timer
case OperationTimeout(oldReplicaIpPort:String, op:Operation) =>
// Resend operation if after timer expired we still have it in the queue of operations to execute
if (opsToExecute.contains(op)){
// Operation still wasn't executed
var replicaIpPort:String = chooseReplica() // Choose another replica to send the operation
println("[CLIENT] Timed out waiting for reply to "+op.opId+" from "+oldReplicaIpPort+", resending via "+replicaIpPort+"...")
getActorRef(replicaIpPort, "app") ! ClientOp(op) // Send operation to replica
timers.startSingleTimer(op.opId, OperationTimeout(replicaIpPort, op), 10000.millis) // Restart the reply timeout timer
case TriggerAskForReplicas() =>
getActorRef(chooseReplica(), "multipaxos") ! AskForReplicas(myIpPort)
case UpdateReplicas(replicas:Set[String]) =>
knownReplicas = replicas
case DebugPrintClientReplicas() =>
println("[CLIENT] List of known replicas ("+knownReplicas.size+"):")
for (replica <- knownReplicas){
var replicaStr:String = "> " + replica
if (replica == myIpPort){
replicaStr = replicaStr + " (ME)"
case DebugPrintTestResults() =>
println("[CLIENT] Test results:")
var opsCompletedCount:Int = 0
var opsOnCreationLatencySum:Long = 0
var opsOnSendLatencySum:Long = 0
for (opStat <- opStats){
if (opStat._2.end != -1){
var opOnCreationLatency:Long = (opStat._2.end - opStat._2.startOnCreation)
var opOnSendLatency:Long = (opStat._2.end - opStat._2.startOnSend)
opsCompletedCount = opsCompletedCount + 1
opsOnCreationLatencySum = opsOnCreationLatencySum + opOnCreationLatency
opsOnSendLatencySum = opsOnSendLatencySum + opOnSendLatency
println("> ("+opStat._1+") Start on Creation:"+opStat._2.startOnCreation+" | Start on Send:"+opStat._2.startOnSend+" | End:"+opStat._2.end+" | On Creation Latency: "+opOnCreationLatency+" ms"+" | On Send Latency: "+opOnSendLatency+" ms | Difference: "+(opOnCreationLatency - opOnSendLatency)+" ms")
var avgOnCreationLatency:Long = opsOnCreationLatencySum / opsCompletedCount
var avgOnSendLatency:Long = opsOnSendLatencySum / opsCompletedCount
var throughput:Double = opsCompletedCount / (opsOnSendLatencySum / 1000.0)
println("> (Total) Count: "+opsCompletedCount+" | Avg. On Creation Latency: "+avgOnCreationLatency+" ms | Avg. On Send Latency: "+avgOnSendLatency+" ms | Difference: "+(avgOnCreationLatency - avgOnSendLatency)+" ms | Throughput: "+throughput+" ops/s")
case whatevs =>
println("[CLIENT] Unknown message: "+whatevs)

def getActorRef(actorIpPort:String, actorType:String) : ActorSelection = {
return context.actorSelection("akka.tcp://ASDProject@"+actorIpPort+"/user/"+actorType) //akka.<protocol>://<actor system name>@<hostname>:<port>/<actor path>

// Get the current timestamp
def getCurrentTimestamp() : String = {
return (System.currentTimeMillis).toString

// Choose a random replica to send the messages to
def chooseReplica() : String = {
return knownReplicas.drop(Random.nextInt(knownReplicas.size)).head // Choose a random replica

// Enqueue the operation to send to a replica and send it if there's nothing in front
def sendOperation(op:Operation, start:Long) = {
// Add operation to the set of operations waiting to complete
opsToExecute += op

// Save operation and the timestamp when it was requested
opStats = opStats + ((op.opId, Stats(start, -1, -1)))

// Send the operation immediately if there isn't another in front of it
if (opsToExecute.size == 1){
var replicaIpPort:String = chooseReplica() // Choose a replica to send the operation
println("[CLIENT] Sending "+op.opId+" to "+replicaIpPort)
opStats = opStats + ((op.opId, Stats(opStats(op.opId).startOnCreation, System.currentTimeMillis, -1)))
getActorRef(replicaIpPort, "app") ! ClientOp(op) // Send operation to replica
timers.startSingleTimer(op.opId, OperationTimeout(replicaIpPort, op), 10000.millis) // Start the reply timeout timer


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