How to run via command line:
First parameter - The heightmap image you want to generate the terrain from.
Second paramter [optional] - The texture you want your terrain to have.
WASD - Camera movement
SPACE - Move camera upwards
LEFT CTRL - Move camera downwards
MOUSE - Camera look (rotation)
ESC - Close program
F2 - Switch between mouse or free view
F3 - Change render mode (Points, Lines, Triangles and Opaque)
F4 - Turns attenuation on (light losing strength by distance)
F5 - Enable normal map visualization
RIGHT SHIFT - Move the light upwards
RIGHT CTRL - Move the light downwards
ARROW KEYS - Controls the light source
Some artifacts are present because of the resolution of the heightmap image. To make it better, please use a noise map generated from a reliable source.
In the Tessellation branch, all the mesh generation is made on the GPU so you don't need to wait while the map is being generated, also, there is level of detail (LOD) enabled.