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File metadata and controls

executable file
228 lines (175 loc) · 11.5 KB

EasyBuild Command-Line Wrapper

This project is a simple command-line wrapper for the EasyBuild framework that assists in software building and installation in HPC environments. It enables homogeneous reproducible installations defined through JSON files and provides options for dry runs, microarchitecture independent installations, GPU-specific installations, and custom options. One central objective of this project is to create a catalogue of successful installations, enabling the complete reproduction of the software stack when required.

It follows a similar approach as the one described in the EasyBuild documentation about Easystacks, but offers simplicity and flexible customization options out of the EasyBuild Framework. However, utilizing both easystacks and hooks should generally provide a more general and authentic solution.

Table of Contents


  • JSON-based Configuration: Define installation parameters, recipes, and custom options through JSON files, allowing flexibility and easy version control.
  • Logging: Records every installation attempt with information such as start/end times and exit status.
  • Microarchitecture Flexibility: Support for both common microarchitecture-independent installations and specific configurations tailored to particular hardware.
  • Conditional Installation Options: Enable or disable specific installations or features within the installation JSON files, providing fine-grained control over the process.
  • Extensible Customization: Utilize custom options to adapt to various needs, including GPU-specific installations, different versions, toolchains, and more.


  • EasyBuild
  • jq for JSON parsing
  • yq for YAML parsing
  • Bash shell


The main script ebw is used with flags to specify the JSON file for installation, along with optional flags for a dry run or alternative EasyBuild settings file.

# Standard use
ebw -f <installation_file.json>

# Dry run (print actions without executing)
ebw -f <installation_file.json> -d

# Specify an alternative EasyBuild settings file
ebw -f <installation_file.json> -c <alternative_config_file.yaml>

# Combination of dry run and alternative settings
ebw -f <installation_file.json> -d -c <alternative_config_file.yaml>

For example, to install software defined in AlphaFold.json:

ebw -f AlphaFold.json

To perform a dry run for AlphaFold.json:

ebw -f AlphaFold.json -d

To use an alternative EasyBuild settings file:

ebw -f AlphaFold.json -c my_custom_settings.yaml

Note: .json file extension is not mandatory.

The -d flag enables dry run mode, which prints the actions without executing them. The -c flag allows specifying an alternative EasyBuild settings file within the config directory. If not provided, the default settings.yaml file will be used.

With bash completion enabled, you can use the Tab key to auto-complete filenames when using the -f flag:

ebw -f Alph # Press Tab after typing "Alpha" to auto-complete ("AlphaFold", for example) or see available options.

Project Organization

├── bin
│   └── ebw 
├── config
│   └── settings.yaml
├── installation_files
│   ├── a [AFNI, AIMAll, AlphaFold, ...]
│   ├── b [Bazel, BerkeleyGW, Boost, ...]
│   ├── c [CASTEP, CCP4, cuDNN, ...]
│   └── v [VAMPIR, VASP]
├── lib
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── logs
  • bin: Contains the main script.
  • config: Configuration files for EasyBuild and this wrapper.
  • installation_files: JSON files defining installations.
  • lib: Utility scripts for the main script. The utility scripts are now separated into different files for better maintainability and readability:
    • Contains functions for checking and validating inputs and system configuration.
    • Contains functions for configuring EasyBuild based on settings.yaml and setting up the installation environment depending on the options defined in the installation file.
    • Contains general utility functions used by the main script.
  • logs: Logs of installation attempts.

Installation JSON File Structure

Each installation is defined through a JSON file with the following structure:

  • easyconfigs: An array of EasyBuild configurations, each consisting of:
    • name: The name of the EasyConfig file (.eb) to use for installation.
    • options: An object with keys and values representing the installation options. These are standard EasyBuild command line options.
    • custom-options: An object with keys and values representing custom options that are unique to this framework, and we can implement our own logic on them. The possible options include:
      • common: A boolean value to specify a microarchitecture independent installation. Default value is false.
      • gpu: A boolean value to specify a GPU-specific installation. Default value is false.
      • enabled: A boolean value to specify if this EasyConfig should be installed or skipped. Default value is true.
      • comments: A comment section.

Example AlphaFold.json file:

    "easyconfigs": [
            "name": "Java-11.0.18.eb",
            "custom-options": {
                "common": "true"
            "name": "Java-11.eb",
            "custom-options": {
                "common": "true"
            "name": "CUDA-11.7.0.eb",
            "custom-options": {
                "common": "true"
            "name": "cuDNN-",
            "custom-options": {
                "common": "true"
            "name": "AlphaFold-2.3.1-foss-2022a-CUDA-11.7.0.eb",
            "options": {
                "cuda-compute-capabilities": "7.5,8.0"    
	    "custom-options": {
                "gpu": "true"

EasyBuild Configuration

Functions in the script in the lib directory are used to configure EasyBuild based on a settings file located in the config directory, and to set up the installation environment depending on the options defined in the installation file. By default, it uses the config/settings.yaml file, but you can override this by providing an alternative settings file using the -c modifier followed by the filename. This file has to be placed in the config directory. This configuration script overrides the system-wide EasyBuild installation configuration.

The settings file includes settings such as the installation path, source path, build path, and a list of dependencies to hide. You can define other EasyBuild configurations according to the EasyBuild documentation.

This is how a typical EasyBuild settings file could look like:

installpath: "/scicomp/builds/Rocky/8.7/Skylake"
commonpath: "/scicomp/builds/Rocky/8.7/Common"
gpupath: "/scicomp/builds/Rocky/8.7/Skylake_GPU"
sourcepath: "/scicomp/builds/source"
buildpath: "/dev/shm/easybuild"
robot-paths: "/scicomp/builds/Rocky/8.7/Skylake/software/EasyBuild/4.8.0/easybuild/easyconfigs:/scicomp/admin/easybuild/easyconfigs"
hide-deps: "Bison,M4,XZ,XML-Parser,gettext,libdrm,LibTIFF,libGLU,FFmpeg,Little,CMS,PCRE,pixman,util-linux,Autoconf,Autotools,Automake,bzip2,freetype,zlib,X11,help2man,flex,intltool,Tk,Mesa,FLTK,LAME,xprop,Mako,x265,x264,Doxygen,hwloc,numactl,libtool,binutils,pkg-config,libpng,gperf,SQLite,libxml2,ImageMagick,Ghostscript,Glib,ncurses,NASM,Tcl,libreadline,ACTC,libjpeg-turbo,LittleCMS,GLib,cairo,GMP,Szip,Yasm,nettle,xorg-macros,cURL,JasPer,libffi,expat,FriBiDi,libunwind,Meson,Ninja,libglvnd,libpciaccess,UCX,fontconfig,kim-api,libmatheval,Guile,NASM,Tk,FFmpeg,Tkinter,molmod,yaff,gc,PROJ,libgit2,nlohmann_json,ATK,MPFR,nodejs,libopus,libvorbis,libtirpc,libunistring,FriBidi,pkgconfig,ScaFaCoS,pkg-config,gzip,tbb,archspec,PCRE,libjpeg-turbo,Voro++,pybind11,DB,UnZip,libdrm,libglvnd,lz4,zstd,libunwind,GLib,LLVM,DBus,Mesa,libGLU,snappy,NSPR,NSS,JasPer,libevent,libiconv,libfabric,makeinfo,groff,re2c,PMIx,Meson,double-conversion,PCRE2,Qt5,graphite2,ICU,GObject-Introspection,HarfBuzz,OpenJPEG,poppler,bwidget,Togl,libarc^Cve,Hypre,SuiteSparse,tcsh,time,Xvfb,libsndfile,UDUNITS,GLPK,Pango,Lua,libcerf,libgd,libdwarf,PAPI,libelf,libxsmm,Libint,Python,libvdwxc,Check,GDRCopy,hypothesis,scikit-build,networkx,pkgconf,UCC,OpenSSL,pkgconf,Brotli,libxslt,libgeotiff,GEOS,googletest,GTK2,Gdk-Pixbuf,GDAL,jbigkit,libdeflate,libogg,FLAC,SOCI,PostgreSQL,ant,yaml-cpp,arrow-R,Arrow,utf8proc,RapidJSON,RE2,FTGL,PyOpenGL,OpenPGM,libsodium,ZeroMQ,IPython,PyQt5,bsddb3,Pillow,Brotli,Perl,libyaml,Flask,PyYAML,cppy,spglib-python,paramz,arpack-ng,libctl,Harminv,libGDSII,libctl,libarchive,Qhull,cddlib,MPFR,GMP,FLINT,Arb,ANTIC,CoCoALib,nauty,xxd,VTK,protobuf,protobuf-python,LMDB,Zip,dill,git,UCX-CUDA,NCCL,Rust,JsonCpp,Bazel,make,jax,nsync,pytest-xdist,SWIG,giflib,flatbuffers-python,flatbuffers,ffnvcodec,libepoxy,at-spi2-core,at-spi2-atk,GTK3,CFITSIO,json-c,Xerces-C++,OpenEXR,Imath,Brunsli,Highway,LERC"
modules-tool: "Lmod"
job-backend: "Slurm"
hooks: "/scicomp/admin/easybuild/hooks/"


Log files are located in the logs directory. Each installation attempt generates a log file named after the easyconfig file, and timestamp of the attempt.

Bash Completion

The ebw tool includes a Bash completion script. The completion script,, is located in the lib directory. You can enable this feature by:

  1. Source the Completion Script: If the completion script is stored in a file (e.g.,, you can enable it by sourcing the script in your shell profile. Add the following line to your .bashrc or .bash_profile:

    source /path/to/
  2. Set the Installation Files Directory: You can specify the directory of the installation files by setting the EBW_INSTALLATION_FILES_DIR environment variable. If you don't set this variable, the completion script will default to a specified path. Add this line to your .bashrc or .bash_profile to set the directory:

    export EBW_INSTALLATION_FILES_DIR="/custom/path/to/installation_files"

    Replace /custom/path/to/installation_files with the actual path to your installation files.

    You can also replace the default value defined in the completion script.

  3. Reload your Shell Profile: After making these changes, you may need to reload your shell profile or restart your terminal for the changes to take effect.

    source ~/.bashrc # or source ~/.bash_profile

With bash completion enabled, you can use the Tab key to auto-complete filenames when using the -f flag:

ebw -f Alph # Press Tab after typing "Alpha" to auto-complete ("AlphaFold", for example) or see available options.


Please see for more information.