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A CLI tool for visualising dtdl ontologies.


node >= 20 Docker

Getting started

The build command should be run first to create the converted ts files.

npm i
npm run build

Start postgres and migrate to latest:

docker compose up -d
npm run db:migrate

To install npm CLI tool. It will be linked to local binaries so can be executed as dtdl-visualiser

npm i -g

using CLI

dtdl-visualiser help


Attempts to parse every DTDL JSON file within the supplied directory and its sub-directories. Files are combined and parsed as a single JSON to ensure resolutions between entities are resolved correctly. If parsing is successful, the server starts.

dtdl-visualiser parse -P <http-server-port> -p <path-to-dtdl-ontology-directory>

For example:

dtdl-visualiser parse -p sample/energygrid

Go to http://localhost:3000


Attempts to validate every DTDL JSON file within the supplied directory and its sub-directories. Files are validated one at a time. The process exits immediately if a file fails validation.

dtdl-visualiser validate -p <path-to-dtdl-ontology-directory>

For example:

dtdl-visualiser validate -p sample/energygrid

By default, validation ignores ResolutionExceptions that occur when parsing a single entity that references another entity. To include Resolution exceptions in validation add -r:

dtdl-visualiser validate -p sample/energygrid -r

Docker Compose

To bring up the postgres database service on port 5432, run

docker compose up

To bring up both the postgres database and the dtdl-visualiser service in docker you may run

docker compose up --scale dtdl-visualiser=1

The service will be available on http://localhost:3000


The application can be run in Docker. sample/energygrid is automatically parsed at start up.

docker build -t dtdl-visualiser . and run with docker run -p 3000:3000 dtdl-visualiser.

Environment variables

variable name required default description
LOG_LEVEL n info Logging level. Valid values are [ trace , debug , info , warn , error , fatal ]
CACHE_TTL n 1000 * 60 * 5 Time to live (in seconds) for cached diagrams
CACHE_SIZE n 100 Maximum number of diagrams to cache
SEARCH_THRESHOLD n 0.4 Threshold for a fuzzy search match. 0.0 is a perfect match, 1.0 matches anything.
DB_HOST n localhost The database hostname / host
DB_NAME n dtdl-visualisation-tool The database name
DB_USERNAME n postgres The database username
DB_PASSWORD n postgres The database password
DB_PORT n 5432 The database port number
UPLOAD_LIMIT_MB n 10 Upload limit for DTDLs in MB
GH_CLIENT_ID y - See GitHub Integration
GH_CLIENT_SECRET y - See GitHub Integration
GH_PER_PAGE n 50 The number of results per GitHub API request (max 100)
GH_REDIRECT_ORIGIN n http://localhost:3000 Origin to redirect to for GitHub OAuth callback. See GitHub Integration
COOKIE_SESSION_KEYS y - Secret for signed cookies, devDefault secret
PUPPETEER_ARGS n '' Comma separated string of puppeteer launch args e.g. --no-sandbox,--disable-setuid-sandbox

Database migrations

To migrate up the database started by docker compose, run locally

npm run db:migrate

If you have started both the database and the dtdl-visualiser service with docker compose, the database will will already be migrated

GitHub integration

With GitHub integration, users can choose to upload directories of DTDL files to the tool directly from their own private GitHub repositories. A GitHub App must be created and configured. Example values for local development:

  • Permissions: Contents (Read Only)
  • GitHub App name: dtdl-visualisation-tool (displayed to user when they authorise)
  • Homepage URL: http://localhost:3000
  • Callback URL: http://localhost:3000/github/callback

Create a .env at root and set:

  • GH_CLIENT_ID= to the GitHub App's Client ID.
  • GH_CLIENT_SECRET= a generated token on the GitHub App.

Additionally end to end tests for GitHub integration require envs from a test user in GitHub with a single repository that contains valid DTDL at root. Example user and repo.

  • GH_TEST_USER= the account email address.
  • GH_TEST_PASSWORD= the account password.
  • GH_TEST_2FA_SECRET= the secret shown by clicking setup key when setting up 2FA for the account.


This repository consists of two test types: [e2e, unit] and we are using a combination of mocha, chai and sinon frameworks.

Unit Testing

Unit tests are per service/module or class, and follow the below pattern. In tests directories collated with the units they test.

# example
├── __tests__
│   ├── example.test.ts
│   ├── __tests__
│   │   ├── index.test.ts
├── __tests__

Unit tests are executed by running:

npm run test:unit

End to End Testing

E2E tests use playwright and are described intest/.

Install dependencies for playwright with:

npx playwright install

See GitHub Integration for how to configure envs for GitHub e2e tests.

Then run:

npm run test:e2e

A browser window will pop up where you can run tests and follow their progress. Alternatively run the tests without the ui:

npm run test:playwright

Test results are placed in playwright-report.

Debugging testcontainers

When running test and you want to see logs from testcontainer, change the run command to include DEBUG=testcontainers* like this

"test:playwright": "DEBUG=testcontainers* playwright test --trace on --max-failures=1",