This repository contains the code for bioinformatic and R analysis of the paper "Comparison of 16S rRNA gene sequencing and deep shotgun metagenomic sequencing for taxonomic profiling of the rumen microbiome"
- Project: MBC Project - MS Thesis Gerardo R Diaz (Chapter 02)
- Samples: Ruminal fluid
- Sequencing method: Shotgun metagenomics and 16S rRNA gene output
- Date: 2021 - 2023
- Author: Gerardo R. Diaz (
- Description: This dry lab bitacora contains the code and processes followed during the bionformatic analysis of the MBC project which was also the chapter 02 of MS thesis of Gerardo R Diaz (EFFECT OF EARLY-LIFE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON THE RUMEN METAGENOME OF BEEF CATTLE).
- 16S analysis (DADA2)
- R_16S_shotgun_compar
Check software versions, paths and dependencies because they may have changed. Keep in mind that this code was adapted to my particular needs. Welcome!