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Multiplayer Tetris

This is a demo project to highlight how you can build distributed apps using Diagrid Catalyst.

This repository contains the source code for a browser based multiplayer Tetris game written in Python and Go using Catalyst (serverless Dapr) for state and communication.

Don't expect production ready code here. This is just a fun project to play around with! 😁

tetris game

Watch the webinar on YouTube where Catalyst and the game are explained:



flowchart TB
  users -- Service Invocation --> game
  broker[Message Broker]
  users -- State Set/Get --> kvstore
  game -. PubSub .-> broker
  broker -.PubSub .-> users
  subgraph diagrid[Diagrid Catalyst]
    kvstore[KV Store]
    broker[Message Broker]
  subgraph cloud[Cloud provider]
    users[Users Service]
    game[Game Service]

The game service (Go) registers incoming games from the users service and it sends game results to the users service via PubSub messaging.

The users service (Python) registers players, receives game results and updates the user scores in the key-value store.

Running locally

This sections covers the steps to run the project locally. It involves some prerequisites that you need to install, getting the source code, the creation of Diagrid Catalyst resources, updating a Diagrid dev config file, and installing Python requirements.


To be able to run this project locally, you need to have the following prerequisites installed:

Get the source code

  1. Fork this repo, and clone it to your local machine.
  2. Open the repo in VSCode.
  3. Open the repo in a DevContainer as suggested by VSCode.
    • This will install some utilities as well as the Diagrid CLI, which is required in the next steps.

Create the Diagrid Catalyst resources

Use the Diagrid CLI in the DevContainer to create the Diagrid Catalyst resources as follows:

  1. Login into Diagrid using the CLI and follow the instructions:

    diagrid login
  2. Create a Catalyst project that includes a managed pubsub and key-value store:

    diagrid project create catalyst-tetris --deploy-managed-pubsub --deploy-managed-kv
  3. Set this project as the default for the upcoming commands:

    diagrid project use catalyst-tetris
  4. Create an App ID for the game and users services:

    diagrid appid create game
    diagrid appid create users
  5. You can use the list command to status of the created App IDs:

    diagrid appid list
  6. Since the project is created with a managed pubsub and key-value store, you can use the connection command to list these connections:

    diagrid connection list
  7. Create a subscription for the pubsub connection that will trigger the update-score endpoint in the users service:

    diagrid subscription create pubsub --connection pubsub --topic scoreupdates --route /update-score --scopes users
  8. List the subscriptions to see status of the subscription:

    diagrid subscription list

Generate the Diagrid dev config file

Once all the Diagrid Catalyst resources have been created run the following command to generate the Diagrid dev config file in the root of the repo:

diagrid dev scaffold

This results in a dev-catalyst-tetris.yaml file in the root of the repo. This file contains app connection details for the game and users services. Some attributes are provided such as DAPR_API_TOKEN, DAPR_APP_ID, and endpoints provided by Catalyst.

You need to update the following attributes for both the game and the users service:

  • appPort
  • command
  • workDir

The users service also requires a FLASK_KEY environment variable to be set.

Copy the values from yaml snippet below.

- appId: game
  appPort: 8001
    DAPR_APP_ID: game
  workDir: game
  command: ["go", "run", "main.go"]
- appId: users
  appPort: 8002
    DAPR_APP_ID: users
    FLASK_KEY: "12345678"
  workDir: users
  command: ["python3", ""]
appLogDestination: ""

Install the Python dependencies

The final step is to install the Python dependencies for the users service. This can be done by running the following commands in the terminal:

  1. Create a Python virtual environment

    python3 -m venv env
    source env/bin/activate
  2. Install Python requirements

    pip3 install -r users/requirements.txt

Run the services

Now you can start both services via the Diagrid CLI:

diagrid dev start

Once the services are running and connected to the Diagrid cloud you can open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000 to play the game.

You can open a second browser window in private mode to simulate another player.

Using the Catalyst dashboard

After playing a game, go to the Catalyst dashboard and navigate around to see the App Graph, API Logs, and the API Explorer.

Catalyst App Graph

More information

Do you want to try out Catalyst? Sign up for early access!

Want to learn more about Catalyst? Join the Diagrid Discourse where application developers share knowledge on building distributed applications.

Have you built something with Catalyst? Post it in the Built with Catalyst topic and get your item featured in the Diagrid newsletter.