What is a Recommendation System?
- Recommendation System is a filtration program whose prime goal is to predict the “rating” or “preference” of a user towards a domain-specific item or item. In our case, this domain-specific item is a movie
What are the different filtration strategies?
- Content-based Filtering:
- The algorithm recommends products that are similar to the ones that a user has liked in the past. This similarity (generally cosine similarity) is computed from the data we have about the items as well as the user’s past preferences.
- For example, if a user likes movies such as ‘The Prestige’ then we can recommend him the movies of ‘Christian Bale’ or movies with the genre ‘Thriller’ or maybe even movies directed by ‘Christopher Nolan’
- Collaborative Filtering
This filtration strategy is based on the combination of the user’s behavior and comparing and contrasting that with other users’ behavior in the database. The history of all users plays an important role in this algorithm.
if the user ‘A’ likes ‘Batman Begins’, ‘Justice League’ and ‘The Avengers’ while the user ‘B’ likes ‘Batman Begins’, ‘Justice League’ and ‘Thor’ then they have similar interests because we know that these movies belong to the super-hero genre The main difference between content-based filtering and collaborative filtering that in the latter, the interaction of all users with the items influences the recommendation algorithm while for content-based filtering only the concerned user’s data is taken into account
User-based Collaborative filtering: The basic idea here is to find users that have similar past preference patterns as the user ‘A’ has had and then recommending him or her items liked by those similar users which ‘A’ has not encountered yet.
Item-based Collaborative Filtering: The concept in this case is to find similar movies instead of similar users and then recommending similar movies to that ‘A’ has had in his/her past preferences.
Let’s start coding up our own Movie recommendation system