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minimize use of partial functions
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ear7h committed Jun 28, 2021
1 parent 01485fa commit e352d8a
Showing 1 changed file with 51 additions and 50 deletions.
101 changes: 51 additions & 50 deletions dhall-toml/src/Dhall/Toml.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,16 +7,19 @@ module Dhall.Toml
, dhallToToml
) where

import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Dhall.Core (Expr, DhallDouble(..))
import Dhall.Parser (Src)
import Toml.Type.TOML (TOML)
import Toml.Type.Key (Piece(Piece), Key(Key))
import Toml.Type.Printer (pretty)

import Control.Monad (foldM, (<=<))
import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Dhall.Core (Expr, DhallDouble(..))
import Dhall.Parser (Src)
import Toml.Type.TOML (TOML)
import Toml.Type.Key (Piece(Piece), Key(Key, unKey))
import Toml.Type.Printer (pretty)

import qualified Data.Bifunctor as Bifunctor
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,72 +57,70 @@ instance Exception CompileError
dhallToToml :: Expr s Void -> Either CompileError TOML
dhallToToml e0 = do
let norm = Core.normalize e0
_ <- assertRecordLit norm
toToml (mempty :: TOML) [] norm
assertRecordLit (Core.RecordLit r) = Right r
assertRecordLit e = Left $ NotARecord e
r <- assertRecordLit norm
toTomlTable r
-- foldM (toTomlRecordFold []) (mempty :: TOML) (Map.toList r)

assertRecordLit :: Expr Void Void -> Either CompileError (Map.Map Text (Core.RecordField Void Void))
assertRecordLit (Core.RecordLit r) = Right r
assertRecordLit e = Left $ NotARecord e

toTomlTable :: Map.Map Text (Core.RecordField Void Void) -> Either CompileError TOML
toTomlTable r = foldM (toTomlRecordFold []) (mempty :: TOML) (Map.toList r)

mapLeft :: (a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c
mapLeft f (Left a) = Left $ f a
mapLeft _ (Right c) = Right c
toTomlRecordFold :: [Piece] -> TOML -> (Text, Core.RecordField Void Void) -> Either CompileError TOML
toTomlRecordFold curKey toml' (key', val) = toToml toml' newKey (Core.recordFieldValue val)
where newKey = Key $ NonEmpty.fromList $ curKey ++ [Piece key']

-- | A helper function for dhallToToml. It recursively adds the values in
-- the Expr to the TOML. It has an invariant that key can be null iff
-- Expr is a RecordLit. This aligns with how a TOML document must be a table,
-- and bare values cannot be represented
toToml :: TOML -> [Piece] -> Expr Void Void -> Either CompileError TOML
toToml :: TOML -> Key -> Expr Void Void -> Either CompileError TOML
toToml toml key expr = case expr of
Core.BoolLit a -> return $ insertPrim (Toml.Value.Bool a)
Core.NaturalLit a -> return $ insertPrim (Toml.Value.Integer $ toInteger a)
Core.DoubleLit (DhallDouble a) -> return $ insertPrim (Toml.Value.Double a)
Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] a) -> return $ insertPrim (Toml.Value.Text a)
Core.ListLit _ a -> case Seq.lookup 0 a of
Core.ListLit _ a -> case toList a of-- Seq.lookup 0 a of
-- empty array
Nothing -> return $ insertPrim (Toml.Value.Array [])
[] -> return $ insertPrim (Toml.Value.Array [])
-- array of table
Just (Core.RecordLit _) -> do
tables <- mapM (toToml mempty []) $ toList a
let tables' = NonEmpty.fromList tables
let key' = Key $ NonEmpty.fromList key
return $ Toml.TOML.insertTableArrays key' tables' toml
record@(Core.RecordLit _) : records -> do
tables <- mapM (toTomlTable <=< assertRecordLit) (record :| records)
return $ Toml.TOML.insertTableArrays key tables toml
-- inline array
Just _ -> do
_ -> do
anyList <- mapM toAny $ toList a
let arrayEither = Toml.AnyValue.toMArray anyList
array <- mapLeft (const $ HeterogeneousArray expr) arrayEither
array <- Bifunctor.first (const $ HeterogeneousArray expr) arrayEither
return $ insertPrim array
Core.RecordLit r ->
f curKey toml' (key', val) = toToml toml' (curKey ++ [Piece key']) (Core.recordFieldValue val)
(inline, nested) = Map.partition (isInline . Core.recordFieldValue) r
if null key -- at the top level, we can't have a table
then foldM (f []) toml (Map.toList r)
else let
(inline, nested) = Map.partition (isInline . Core.recordFieldValue) r
if null inline
-- if the table doesn't have inline elements, don't register
-- the table, only its non-inlined children. Ex:
-- [a] # bad
-- [b]
-- c = 1
-- [a.b] # good
-- c = 1
then foldM (f key) toml (Map.toList nested)
else do
-- the order here is important, at least for testing, because
-- the PrefixMap inside TOML is dependent on insert order
inlinePairs <- foldM (f []) mempty (Map.toList inline)
nestedPairs <- foldM (f []) inlinePairs (Map.toList nested)
return $ Toml.TOML.insertTable (Key $ NonEmpty.fromList key) nestedPairs toml
if null inline
-- if the table doesn't have inline elements, don't register
-- the table, only its non-inlined children. Ex:
-- [a] # bad
-- [b]
-- c = 1
-- [a.b] # good
-- c = 1
then foldM (toTomlRecordFold $ toList $ unKey key) toml (Map.toList nested)
else do
-- the order here is important, at least for testing, because
-- the PrefixMap inside TOML is dependent on insert order
inlinePairs <- foldM (toTomlRecordFold []) mempty (Map.toList inline)
nestedPairs <- foldM (toTomlRecordFold []) inlinePairs (Map.toList nested)
return $ Toml.TOML.insertTable key nestedPairs toml
_ -> Left $ Unsupported expr
-- insert a value at the current key to the TOML, note that
-- the current key cannot be empty. This is true assuming
-- the root call to toToml is always called with a RecordLit
insertPrim :: Toml.Value.Value a -> TOML
insertPrim val = Toml.TOML.insertKeyVal (Key $ NonEmpty.fromList key) val toml
insertPrim val = Toml.TOML.insertKeyVal key val toml

-- checks if the value should be represented as an inline key/value
-- pair. Elements that are inlined are those that do not have a
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