A very simple Python NNTP binary posting application intended to be contained within one Python file.
This should allow for portability across platforms and serve as an example of building NNTP related libraries in Python. This project is intended to be very simple to allow for quick posting to NNTP servers from the command line. Additional features may be added as time passes to enhance the basic functionality of the program.
Licensed under MIT. See 'LICENSE' file for full license text.
Open up
and change any of the configuration variables at the top to your desired default values. -
From the command line start simple-post and optionally override any of your default values.
Sit back, and grab a coffee.
You can access this list at any time using post.py -h
or post.py --help
the command line. You may need to run it as python post.py -h
python post.py --help
if your OS cannot find the Python interpreter.
usage: post.py [-h] [-v | -q] [-f FROM] [-s SUBJECT] [-n NEWSGROUPS]
[--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--ssl] [--user USER] [--pass PASS]
[--chars CHARS] [--size SIZE]
file [file ...]
post a yEnc binary to a newsgroup group
positional arguments:
file file(s) to post
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity
-q, --quiet disable output
-f FROM, --from FROM from line of the post
-s SUBJECT, --subject SUBJECT
subject of the post
newsgroup(s) to post to (comma seperated)
--host HOST hostname of server
--port PORT port for posting server
--ssl use ssl for connecting to server
--user USER username for posting server
--pass PASS password for posting server
--chars CHARS set the max characters per line value
--size SIZE set the max size of each part posted
All of these examples assume you are in the same directory as the file you wish to post.
Post the file 'document.pdf', with the subject 'my favorite document', to the
newsgroup 'alt.binary.test' using the default configuration values stored in
post.py -n alt.binary.test -s "my favorite document" document.pdf
Post all the .rar files in the current directory:
post.py -n alt.binary.test -s "here are my rar files" *.rar
Post the .txt file, then all the zip files, to two newsgroups:
post.py -n alt.binary.zips,alt.binaries.full.zips -s "here is my source code" info.txt *.zip
Of course you can use any combination to achive your desired effect of the above command line options.