This repository contains code that reproduces the main analyses of the following study:
Dimitrios - Georgios Kontopoulos, Arnaud Sentis, Martin Daufresne, Natalia Glazman, Anthony I. Dell, and Samraat Pawar: No universal mathematical model for thermal performance curves across traits and taxonomic groups. Nature Communications 15, 8855 (2024).
Each script can be run from the command line or from within R using the source command.
The very first script is "TPC_fitting_pipeline.R". It has to be run from the command line as follows:
./TPC_fitting_pipeline.R traits # models fitted to trait datasets
./TPC_fitting_pipeline.R enzymes # models fitted to enzyme datasets
For this script to run, the data need to be placed under a "Data/" directory, outside "Code/". The "Results/model_fits/" and "Results/enzyme_model_fits/" directories should also exist.