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@AlexanderFabisch AlexanderFabisch released this 28 Oct 15:56
· 255 commits to main since this release


  • Add conversions between axis-angle representation and MRP
  • Add functions to write numerically stable code and avoid pitfalls
    • matrix_requires_renormalization - check if rotation matrix needs renormalization
    • norm_euler - maps Euler angles to unique interval
    • euler_near_gimbal_lock - checks if angles are close to gimbal lock singularity
    • assert_euler_almost_equal - checks if two sets of Euler angles are similar
    • compact_axis_angle_near_pi - check if angle is close to pi
    • quaternion_double - create another quaternion that represents the same orientation (double cover)
    • quaternion_requires_renormalization - check if quaternion needs renormalization
    • mrp_near_singularity - check if angle is close to 2 * pi
    • norm_mrp - normalize angle to [-pi, pi]
    • mrp_double - create another mrp that represents the same orientation (double cover)
    • assert_mrp_almost_equal - check if two mrp vectors are similar
    • transform_requires_renormalization - check if transformation matrix needs renormalization
    • assert_exponential_coordinates_almost_equal - check if exp. coordinates are similar
    • dual_quaternion_requires_renormalization - check if dual quaternion needs renormalization
    • dual_quaternion_double - create another dual quaternion that represents the same transformation (double cover)


  • Sort API documentation of rotations and transformations by representation
  • Correct documentation of angle limits for Euler angles