- Florian Hartmann (2020), That XOR trick → https://florian.github.io/xor-trick/
- Emmett Naughton (2021), A Job Tweet?! → https://emmettnaughton.com/posts/a-job-tweet/
- Chris Penner (2020), Generalizing 'Jq' And Traversal Systems Using Optics And Standard Monads → https://chrispenner.ca/posts/traversal-systems
- Philip Zucker (2021), Automated Propositional Sequent Proofs in Your Browser with Tau Prolog → http://www.philipzucker.com/javascript-automated-proving/
- Tau Prolog is a Prolog written in JavaScript
- Paul J. Adam (2020?), Datepickers - Accessibility Quick Guide → https://pauljadam.com/guides/datepickers.html
- Adam B. Silver (2019?), Ask users for dates → http://nostyle.herokuapp.com/patterns/dates
- Hampus Sethfors (2017), Accessible datepickers → https://axesslab.com/accessible-datepickers/
- Nitish Khagwal (2020), Responsive Grid Design: Ultimate Guide → https://medium.muz.li/responsive-grid-design-ultimate-guide-7aa41ca7892
- Sara Soueidan (2018), On Switching from HEX & RGB to HSL → https://www.sarasoueidan.com/blog/hex-rgb-to-hsl/
- Mark Lambertz (2020), Ashby's Law of Requisite Variety → https://intelligente-organisationen.de/ashbys-law-of-requisite-variety
Variety measures the number of possible system states
The variety of the Controller (C) must be equal or higher than the variety of the Situation (S, Environment).
- Nick Lai (2020), jQuery-resource → https://github.com/nick-lai/jquery-resource
- A jQuery plugin that abstracts the process of consuming a REST endpoint.
- Patrick Thomson (2009), jQuery is a Monad → https://importantshock.wordpress.com/2009/01/18/jquery-is-a-monad/
- from over 11 years ago...
- Caleb Williams (2021), 3 Approaches to Integrate React with Custom Elements → https://css-tricks.com/3-approaches-to-integrate-react-with-custom-elements/
- Jake Lazaroff (2020), No One Ever Got Fired for Choosing React → https://jake.nyc/words/no-one-ever-got-fired-for-choosing-react/
- (if all you or anyone else knows is React, that is)
- We can "componentize" even the smallest things like
, and<Else>
gates, or even...
- Josh W. Comeau (2021), Let's Bring Spacer GIFs Back! → https://www.joshwcomeau.com/react/modern-spacer-gif/
- Shon Feder, Igor Konnov (2020), Idiomatic TLA+ → https://apalache.informal.systems/docs/idiomatic/index.html
- Jack Vanlightly (2019), Building A "Simple" Distributed System - Formal Verification → https://jack-vanlightly.com/blog/2019/1/27/building-a-simple-distributed-system-formal-verification
- Kevin Sookocheff (2017), Getting Started With TLA+ → https://sookocheff.com/post/tlaplus/getting-started-with-tlaplus/
- Ron Pressler (2017), TLA+ in Practice and Theory Part 2: The + in TLA+ → https://pron.github.io/posts/tlaplus_part2