"Stop Using Browser Dev Tools, Start Using Your Editor's Debugger" - https://www.javascriptjanuary.com/blog/how-to-stop-using-browser-devtools-and-start-using-your-editors-debugger
Writing a
client in vanilla JS - https://medium.com/walmartlabs/writing-a-graphql-client-in-vanilla-js-d2a09aee7c6c -
RE:DOM vanilla JS helper library - https://github.com/redom/redom
CSS unit and integration testing
(Enduring CSS) "The Ten Commandments of Sane StyleSheets" - http://ecss.io/chapter8.html
Tommy Hodgins, "Expressing Element Queries in Valid CSS Syntax" - https://codepen.io/tomhodgins/post/expressing-element-queries-in-valid-css-syntax
@slicknet "Stop Using
export default
in JavaScript modules" - https://humanwhocodes.com/blog/2019/01/stop-using-default-exports-javascript-module/ -
Flexbox Holy Albatross (Reincarnated) by @heydonworks - http://www.heydonworks.com/article/the-flexbox-holy-albatross-reincarnated
- @snookca on how it works - https://snook.ca/archives/html_and_css/understanding-the-flexbox-albatross
i18n, l10n
- Start with
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl - vanilla-i18n, Translating text in a simple and easy way - https://github.com/luiz-simples/vanilla-i18n
- "Use the
pseudo-class over the lang attribute selector for language-specific styles" - https://bitsofco.de/use-the-lang-pseudo-class-over-the-lang-attribute-for-language-specific-styles/ - "Step-by-step guide to JS localization" - https://phraseapp.com/blog/posts/step-step-guide-javascript-localization/
- "Handling Time Zone in JavaScript" - https://medium.com/@toastui/handling-time-zone-in-javascript-547e67aa842d
- Start with
i18n Phone Number Format
and country code - see ISO & Country Codes - https://www.countrycode.org/- City code + Local number - (3 + up-to-7 digits)
- letters to digits: { 'ABC': 2, 'DEF': 3, 'GHI': 4, 'JKL': 5, 'MNO': 6, 'PQR': 7, 'TUV': 8, 'WXYZ': 9 } - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_keypad
- Perhaps we need a
telephone keypad dialog
, so from 2018, here's Tiffany Brown, "Better warnings, modals, and confirmations with the<dialog>
element" - https://webinista.com/updates/dialog-element-tutorial/
i18n currency
- Currency ISO Codes by Country - https://www.oanda.com/currency/help/currency-iso-code-country, and https://www.iban.com/currency-codes
flame bait:
buttons suck - https://axesslab.com/disabled-buttons-suck/- don't disable, show messages on forms, throttle clicks if awaiting xhr response.
flame bait:
attributes suck - https://axesslab.com/title-texts-suck/- 18 Jan 2019: We use
attributes to store our error or help messages; on invalid states, we write them out as DOM elements. (we should get rid of the title attributes anyway)
- 18 Jan 2019: We use
How to design website layouts for screen readers - https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-design-website-layouts-for-screen-readers-347b7b06e9cc
"Form Usability: Getting 'Address Line 2' Right" - https://baymard.com/blog/address-line-2
Accessible HTML Content Patterns - https://ericwbailey.github.io/accessible-html-content-patterns/
"Packer + Ansible - Dockerfile = AwesomeContainer" - https://alex.dzyoba.com/blog/packer-for-docker/
Course: Docker for Java Developers - https://www.udemy.com/docker-for-java-developers/
2019 Proposal/Solution for Container Queries - WICG/container-queries#12
Why I no longer use D3.js - https://medium.com/@PepsRyuu/why-i-no-longer-use-d3-js-b8288f306c9a
Stop Learning Frameworks - https://sizovs.net/2018/12/17/stop-learning-frameworks/