- shavejs truncates text within an html element
- jsonlogic - serialize complex rules between front and back end
- PurpleJS - the alternative to Node.js for Java projects
- Redux without React — State Management in Vanilla JavaScript
- Keep your framework out of my applications
- @_developit ~ more fully-featured Preact + Web Components example
- Preact + Web Components Demo
- re-reading => Trampolines in JavaScript
- fogus/lemonad - functional programming library
- SAM Pattern: Lessons Learned Building Functional Reactive Front-End Architectures
- Create SVG patterns programmatically to visualize data
- vivus - zero-deps, brings your SVGs to life
- faltu - Search sort, filter, limit array of objects, Mongo-style
- flatpickr - lightweight powerful date-time-picker
- optimize-js - faster initial load by wrapping eagerly-invoked functions
- How to use CSS Feature Queries
- impressive css - you might not need js
- Usability Testing of Inline Form Validation
- JavaScript Internationalization API
- ...make a compiler with JavaScript
- simple build tools... runjs
- @_developit/undom, 1kb minimally viable DOM implementation
- paldepind/Kran, an entity system written in JavaScript.
- Extreme Decoupling
- => Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) parser & tools
- A simple JavaScript validation library that doesn't interfere
- A tiny (~1.8kb) javascript library for obfuscating and revealing text in DOM elements
- Automated testing of look and feel for your responsive websites
- Composable Command Line Applications
- mailcheck.js
- Create and edit CSS Pseudo-elements in Javascript with ease
- The case for function tree
- jQuery hooks
- On-demand bundler for ES6 / CSS Next
- Bug Magnet - a tool to ease testing
- 7 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do with CSS
- Using Feature Queries in CSS
- Objects go in, UI comes out