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Daniel Falster edited this page Nov 25, 2014 · 1 revision

Report for study: Peri0000

Contact Information

Data contributor: Pablo Luis Peri



  • INTA-UNPA-CONICET, CC 332 (9400), Rio Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina

Data source

Citation: Peri P (Unpublished).



Overview of data provided

The dataset includes records for 3 individuals from 1 species belonging to 1 family(ies), presenting 1 functional type(s), growing in 1 condition(s) within 1 major type(s) of habitat, with data included for the following variables:

Variable Label Units N Min Median Max
latitude Latitude deg 3 -50 -50 -50
longitude Longitude deg 3 -72 -72 -72
a.lf Leaf area m2 3 1 2.2 3.2
a.cp Crown area m2 3 0.28 0.55 0.75
h.t Height m 3 0.42 0.44 0.63 Crown width m 3 0.6 0.84 0.98
m.lf Leaf mass kg 3 0.12 0.19 0.27 Total stem mass kg 3 0.24 0.81 1.1 Aboveground mass kg 3 0.37 1 1.4 Branch mass kg 3 0.058 0.062 0.087
m.rf Fine root mass kg 3 0.006 0.024 0.035
m.rc Coarse root mass kg 3 0.35 1.1 1.5
m.rt Total root mass kg 3 0.36 1.1 1.6 Total mass kg 3 0.73 2.1 3
a.ilf Area of individual leaf m2 3 0.00006 0.00007 0.00008
n.lf Leaf [nitrogen] kg kg-1 3 0.0087 0.0092 0.01 Sapwood [nitrogen] kg kg-1 3 0.0075 0.0079 0.0082
n.rf Fine root [nitrogen] kg kg-1 3 0.0075 0.0078 0.0083
n.rc Coarse root [nitrogen] kg kg-1 3 0.0051 0.0054 0.0059

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The sites sampled are:

Location Longitude Latitude Vegetation
Lago Argentino area -72.37722 -50.32944 Grassland

The growing conditions of sampled plants was:

Location growingCondition
Lago Argentino area field wild

Species sampled

Species Family Pft
Senecio filaginoides Asteraceae evergreen angiosperm

Methods used

Sampling strategy: Three plots (replicates) of 15 x 30 m were randomly located at each study area. Within each plot, five individuals of dominant shrub, corresponding to different sizes were randomly selected. Then, the individuals were classified in different size classes to test, for the size effect on plant biomass, carbon and nutrient concentration, and nutrient allocation in plant components.

Leaf area: Leaf area (LA) of each individual size was determined by scanning the total harvested leaves per plant. The leaves were spread randomly over a transparent sheet and then scanned using a flat-bed scanner. The leaf area was determined using image analysis software (DT-Scan, Delta-T Ltd., Cambridge, UK).

Height: Before harvesting height was measured with a tape.

Crown area: Before harvesting, crown dimensions (the crown length at its widest point, CL; the perpendicular crown extent at the same height, CW) of each plant was measured. Crown area (CA) was calculated as CA = 3.1416 x CL/2 x CW/2.

Biomass: Each plant was harvested during the spring growth period (November-December) corresponding to the vegetative growth peak and summer (January-February). Then, shrub plants were separated into the following components: green leaves; senesced leaves; twigs (1-2 years old); branches (> 2 years old) and roots classified as fine (diameter <1.0 mm), medium (1.0-5.0 mm) and coarse (> 5.0 mm) roots for biomass calculations and nutrient analysis. Roots from individual plants were excavated to maximum rooting depth for all size classes in circular plots centred on the base of selected plants. These roots were sorted in diameter class and weighed in fresh. Sub samples were taken for oven drying to estimate biomass.

Traits: Samples of components were dried in a forced draft oven at 65degC to constant weight and ground in a mill containing 1 mm stainless steel screen for nutrient analysis. Nitrogen (N) content was determined using the semi-micro Kjeldahl technique.

Growth environment: Senecio filaginoides shrub plants were taken from a grass shrub steppe with vegetation dominated by F. pallescens (30-40%) associated with J. chrysophylla, B. setifolius, C. andina, J. tridens and Acaena poeppigiana. Climate is cold temperate and subhumid with a mean annual temperature of 7.6degC, a long-term annual rainfall of 281 mm evenly distributed throughout the year and potential evapotranspiration ranges between 4 and 6 mm/d in summer. The predominant wind direction is from the south-southwest quarter. Severe and frequent windstorms occur in spring and summer, with windspeeds over 120 km/h.

Year collected: 2008

Plots of data

This is how the study Peri0000 fits in the entire dataset (grey). each colour represents a species. A legend of species names with colours is included at the end for reports with 1 < n < 20 species.

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