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Daniel Falster edited this page Nov 25, 2014 · 1 revision

Report for study: Osunkoya2007

Contact Information

Data contributor: Olusegun O. Osunkoya



  • College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, P.O. Box 6811, Cairns Queensland 4870, Australia

Data source

Citation: Osunkoya OO, Omar-Ali K, Amit N, Dayan J, Daud DS and Sheng TK (2007). 'Comparative height crown allometry and mechanical design in 22 tree species of Kuala Belalong rainforest, Brunei, Borneo.' American Journal of Botany, 94(12), pp. 1951-1962.

DOI: 10.3732/ajb.94.12.1951

Abstract: In rainforests, trunk size, strength, crown position, and geometry of a tree affect light interception and the likelihood of mechanical failure. Allometric relationships of tree diameter, wood density, and crown architecture vs. height are described for a diverse range of rainforest trees in Brunei, northern Borneo. The understory species follow a geometric model in their diameter-height relationship (slope, {beta} = 1.08), while the stress-elasticity models prevail ({beta} = 1.27-1.61) for the midcanopy and canopy/emergent species. These relationships changed with ontogeny, especially for the understory species. Within species, the tree stability safety factor ({SSF)} and relative crown width decreased exponentially with increasing tree height. These trends failed to emerge in across-species comparisons and were reversed at a common (low) height. Across species, the relative crown depth decreased with maximum potential height and was indistinguishable at a common (low) height. Crown architectural traits influence {SSF} more than structural property of wood density. These findings emphasize the importance of applying a common reference size in comparative studies and suggest that forest trees (especially the understory group) may adapt to low light by having deeper rather than wider crowns due to an efficient distribution and geometry of their foliage.

Overview of data provided

The dataset includes records for 367 individuals from 22 species belonging to 13 family(ies), presenting 1 functional type(s), growing in 1 condition(s) within 1 major type(s) of habitat, with data included for the following variables:

Variable Label Units N Min Median Max
latitude Latitude deg 367 4.5 4.5 4.5
longitude Longitude deg 367 115 115 115
a.stbh Stem area at breast height m2 367 0.002 0.0074 0.77
a.cp Crown area m2 354 0.36 16 207
h.t Height m 367 2.7 12 53
h.c Height to crown base m 363 0 7 40 Dbh m 367 0.05 0.097 0.99 Height of measurement m 367 1.3 1.3 1.3 Crown width m 354 0.8 4.2 20
c.d Crown depth m 363 0.17 5.1 24

plot of chunk world_map

And locally within the country:

plot of chunk country_map

The sites sampled are:

Location Longitude Latitude Vegetation
Brunei, Borneo 115.1667 4.5 Tropical rainforest

The growing conditions of sampled plants was:

Location Grouping growingCondition
Brunei, Borneo growth_form = canopy field wild
Brunei, Borneo growth_form = subcanopy field wild
Brunei, Borneo growth_form = understorey field wild

Species sampled

Species Family Pft
Horsfieldia polyspherulaa Myristicaceae evergreen angiosperm
Knema ashitoniia Myristicaceae evergreen angiosperm
Litsea ferrugiinea Lauraceae evergreen angiosperm
Payena sp Sapotaceae evergreen angiosperm
Shorea parvifolia Dipterocarpaceae evergreen angiosperm
Syzygium sp. Myritaceae. evergreen angiosperm
Syzygium caudatum Myritaceae evergreen angiosperm
Dacryodes apiculata Burseraceae evergreen angiosperm
Dillenia excelsa Dilleniaceae evergreen angiosperm
Diospyros borneensis Ebanaceae evergreen angiosperm
Mallotus sp. Euphorbiaceae evergreen angiosperm
Noescortechinia kingii Euphorbiaceae evergreen angiosperm
Aporusa elemeri Euphorbiaceae evergreen angiosperm
Aporusa grandistipula Euphorbiaceae evergreen angiosperm
Aporusa subcaudata Euphorbiaceae evergreen angiosperm
Chionanthus spicatusi Oleaceae evergreen angiosperm
Fordia sp. Fabaceae evergreen angiosperm
Fordia splendidissima Fabaceae evergreen angiosperm
Ixora grandifolia Rubiaceae evergreen angiosperm
Mallotus eucaustus Euphorbiaceae evergreen angiosperm
Mallotus wreyi Euphorbiaceae evergreen angiosperm
Urophyllum arboreum Rubiaceae evergreen angiosperm

Methods used

Sampling strategy: All trees > 5 cm in diameter in a 1 ha permamant plot were sampled.

Stem cross sectional area: Tree diameter at breast height determined, using diameter tapes.

Height: Tree height determined using clinometers. Crown depth is the difference between tree height and fork height. Fork height itself is defined as distance between the stem base and the lowest major brach

Crown area: Crown diameter were measured in four directions, and crown projection area estimated as a function of tree fork and crown heights and crown width; see Osunkoya et al 2007 for details.

Growth environment: Mixed dipterocarp rainforest.

Year collected: 2004

Acknowledgements: P. Becker initially set up the permanent plots used

Plots of data

This is how the study Osunkoya2007 fits in the entire dataset (grey). each colour represents a species. A legend of species names with colours is included at the end for reports with 1 < n < 20 species.

plot of chunk variable_plots plot of chunk variable_plots plot of chunk variable_plots plot of chunk variable_plots plot of chunk variable_plots plot of chunk variable_plots plot of chunk variable_plots

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