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Daniel Falster edited this page Nov 25, 2014 · 1 revision

Report for study: Lusk0000a

Contact Information

Data contributor: Christopher H. Lusk



  • School of Science, University of Waikato, Private 3105, Hamilton, New Zealand

Data source

Citation: Lusk CH (Unpublished).



Overview of data provided

The dataset includes records for 23 individuals from 1 species belonging to 1 family(ies), presenting 1 functional type(s), growing in 1 condition(s) within 1 major type(s) of habitat, with data included for the following variables:

Variable Label Units N Min Median Max
latitude Latitude deg 23 -37 -37 -37
longitude Longitude deg 23 175 175 175
a.lf Leaf area m2 23 0.00029 0.0012 0.0056
a.stba Stem area at base m2 23 0.000000071 0.00000079 0.000037
a.cp Crown area m2 23 0.00038 0.0023 0.019
a.cs Crown surface area m2 23 0.0018 0.0083 0.047
h.t Height m 23 0.034 0.11 0.34
h.c Height to crown base m 23 0 0.025 0.27 Basal diameter m 23 0.0003 0.001 0.0069 Crown width m 23 0.022 0.054 0.16
c.d Crown depth m 23 0.03 0.066 0.16
m.lf Leaf mass kg 23 0.00001 0.00005 0.00028 Total stem mass kg 23 0.000004 0.000035 0.00062 Aboveground mass kg 23 0.000014 0.000079 0.0009
m.rt Total root mass kg 23 0.000005 0.000031 0.00067 Total mass kg 23 0.000022 0.00011 0.0016
a.ilf Area of individual leaf m2 23 0.0000083 0.000017 0.000027

plot of chunk world_map

And locally within the country:

plot of chunk country_map

The sites sampled are:

Location Longitude Latitude Vegetation
Miranda Scenic Reserve 175.3 -37.25 Temperate rainforest

The growing conditions of sampled plants was:

Location growingCondition
Miranda Scenic Reserve field wild

Species sampled

Species Family Pft
Kunzea ericoides Myrtaceae evergreen angiosperm

Methods used

Sampling strategy: We obtained 200 - 350 mm tall seedlings from Miranda Scenic Reserve (NZ) from second-growth stands and margins of warm-temperate rainforest. Crown architecture of each seedling was recorded using a using a FASTRAK 3D-digitizer (Polhemus, Colchester, VT, USA), in conjunction with the software package FLORADIG (CSIRO Entomology, Brisbane, Australia).

Leaf area: The total foliage area of each plant was measured using a LI-3100 leaf Area Meter

Stem cross sectional area: Basal stem diameter (immediately above any root flanges) was measured on two orthogonal axis, using electronic callipers.

Height: Height was measured as the length of the longest stem, from the ground to the apex.

Crown area: Crown area was computed from the plant architecture data obtained using the 3D digitizer.

Biomass: Plants were divided into stem, leaf and root fractions and then dried to a constant weight. Petioles of simple leaves were included in total leaf mass.

Growth environment: second-growth stands and margins of warm-temperate rainforest.

Year collected: 2006

Plots of data

This is how the study Lusk0000a fits in the entire dataset (grey). each colour represents a species. A legend of species names with colours is included at the end for reports with 1 < n < 20 species.

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