This artical will help you to integrate Laravel 5.5 application with bigbluebutton api.
BigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing system. It is based on GNU/Linux operating system and runs on Ubuntu 16.04. In addition to various web conferencing services, it has integrations for many of the major learning and content management systems. For more detail visit bigbluebutton
install bigbluebutton after installation run command bbb-conf --secret on bigbluebutton server to get bigbluebutton api url and secret key like
$ bbb-conf --secret
Secret: a7007506f1efffa497922fc34e3184dc
check bigbluebutton api like
output should look like
- PHP >= 7.0.0
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Curl library installed.
- allow_url_fopen = On (in your php.ini)
- Clone the code from the given repository
- Configure it in your localhost server i.e xampp,appache etc
- Create a database name "homestead"
- set bbb-conf --secret output in .env file
- BBB_SECURITY_SALT=a7007506f1efffa497922fc34e3184dc
- Run php artisan migrate in composer
- now run the cloned directory in browser i.e http://localhost/bigbluebutton-with-laravel
- Create Meetings
- List Meetings
- Get Meeting Information
- Join Meeting as Moderator
- Join Meeting as Attendee
- Close Meetings
- List Meetings Recording
- http://localhost/bigbluebutton-with-laravel/meeting/add
- http://localhost/bigbluebutton-with-laravel/meeting/list
- http://localhost/bigbluebutton-with-laravel/meeting/info/852/b04965e6-a9bb-591f-8f8a-1adcb2c8dc39
- http://localhost/bigbluebutton-with-laravel/meeting/join/Moderator%201/852/b04965e6-a9bb-591f-8f8a-1adcb2c8dc39
- http://localhost/bigbluebutton-with-laravel/meeting/join/Demo%201/963/b04965e6-a9bb-591f-8f8a-1adcb2c8dc39
- http://localhost/bigbluebutton-with-laravel/meeting/close/fadsf/91c274f2-9a0d-5ce6-ac3d-7529f452df21
- http://localhost/bigbluebutton-with-laravel/meeting/recordings